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Everything posted by Lusekofte

  1. This guy say what I hope for. It should be very dangerous being careless around a bomber.
  2. I was one of those. Until it became impossible to emergency land a two engined plane and survive. In fact not getting blasted to smithereens or pk seemed impossible. Like in old il 2 or clod where you have a chance to emergency land. I will be all over that b25
  3. Yes cool and all that. But unlike real war all targets will be swarming with new shiny best equipped fighters. These planes will be sitting ducks. Looks like fun but frustrating as h*** I wish for flying it too but if dm and guns efficiency is anything like another sim I pass. flying in low over water into a small island is a instant spot. Mig by any chance there be a sort of cooperation and possibility to have many airplanes. Things can get interesting. If not I rather sit in a kate or Betty or B26 up high
  4. Hmm. Not one Midway wish, that is what we are getting. I have a weak spot for New Guinea and Burma, both need no carrier based airplanes. Witch they will deliver. what we talk about here won’t happen next 3 years, maybe realistic putting it up on wish list then
  5. Yeah my father did the same. He woke up all in order to witness it. I was 3,5 years old when it happened. I had no idea about the significance, to me it was another man on the moon. And I remember it was fun to actually see him on tv
  6. I say msfs is smoother than DCs but they encountered obstacles and rather build new. DCs continue its old engine with same limitations as always. Yes it has improved but mt is far from ideal nor does it use all cores
  7. If they are constructing a new game engine. With Jason’s experience and DCS and msfs as diversion he knows what is expected. That said DCS and MSFS struggle with MT. they have both a way to go. And as I understand it MT is one of the reasons they build MSFS 2024. So it is not a given thing. Funding of this endeavour is my main concern, everything can be done if there is money. And with a wish list as long as the moon and back we are going to have to wait many years if all thing’s implemented in the beginning.
  8. If anything. I like to have B 26 as a levelbomber together with a Betty as opponent. B 25 with guns is pretty much given in the long run. but in a online based gameplay like GB big planes going low are dead meat. It is not like historical events. Having an option to go high is essential to spread the fighter cover. Heavies is for geeks like me, good as ai but few who fly them.
  9. I am not American either, but US culture and involvement is at great influence on my own country, making me very interested in the wellbeing of all US citizens. I wish you all the very best and a late happy 4 th july
  10. Actually Beaufort and Hudson would be really really cool. Very much used by the RAAF and latter would be first in any simulator. Beaufort is available in old IL2 but not sure if it is “official” Now when we are getting Pacific I see my tendency to favour land based aircraft exceed. Catalina is just a long time dream. If maps are good I would not mind long flights. Beufighter, Beaufort, Hudson, B26, and some Japanese counterparts For some reasons I find radial engined airplanes very attractive
  11. Personally I do not care too much about the bigger picture. It never took my needs in consideration. Anyway I won’t be flying wildcat nor zeke. It would be Kate and Devastator in between my cat sorties. Then a bit of Val and SBD I hope for levelbomber too.
  12. If things are too good to be true….. The reason for me being optimistic is Jason. Because he knows more than me what it takes. Very ambitious project indeed, I wish for a lesser ambitious start, so this could start earlier. But then it involve IJA and USAAF planes. And maybe Dutch, RAF well you know. I have such hopes for this, so I distance myself just for the sake of self protection
  13. Well I might get it with Blitz, but loners and me ain’t tactical
  14. Well I wonder how wildcat would do against A6M2. Latter will be like 109 in Europe scenery. It is a lot of performance difference there. Only upside is dive and not being a zippo
  15. Well bombers have to fly in pairs or alone there are no massive formation to join. what said here is let there be fighters only. And I say well enjoy that those who want And there is just so many proof of loners did survive. If Sharpe Xb wants easy targets. GB is right around the corner. Only obstacle there is avoiding debris
  16. Not my thing either. My Reflexes are average but I am unfocused and quickly bored when flying around looking for trouble. I rather have a mission
  17. Of course they will be in the loosing end. But in GB you are flying zippo’s once spotted you can just bail out. If this is the case in new sim. I simply won’t bother
  18. I can only support this. Reason for me favouring Clod is several, but you can fly in any sides bombers get attacked by one or four fighters and you might survive getting a kill as a bonus. But you might bail out with just one attacker. You get a reasonable chance of survival. A chance to return. The only way to accomplish this is a pretty complex damage model. Defensive fire from bombers should be lethal if attacker park on their six, but they should not be effective during evasive manoeuvres. Nor spot/ trac them if out of sight. It should be an accomplishment taking down a bomber unhurt.
  19. Based on IL 2 timeline this wish will delay any kind of release a year
  20. I find Discord a nice tool. But very messy and chaotic if popular. I simply have no patience looking at new comments. And really if not never contribute
  21. It might be complex and it might not be the first plane built. But we are talking about Jason here, the man who made PO 2 and JU 52 flyable. Two of my all time favourites. If all goes well, economical future is in some way foreseeable and things are settling down. I can see this being offered to us. We all know how important PBY was in this theatre , I do not think we will get it as a flyable first couple of years. There is just too much to be done getting combat going
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