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  1. At most we’ll get some training missions where you’ll learn how to fly a Wildcat or Zero, takeoff and land it on a carrier. We’ve been devoid of a high fidelity Pacific War sim for far too long and there are certain features I’d like to see in Combat Pilot such as Drop Tanks, aircraft system DM like in CloD, pilots not dying when parachuting into water and them being able to exit their aircraft after a ditching over training aircraft.
  2. I feel it's too early. Right now the focus is on Midway and probably Wake Island and Coral Sea. The American planeset would likely be Wildcat, Dauntless, Devastator and Kingfisher or Catalina. My guess is that the next installment will be the Solomons including Guadalcanal and we'd see British planes in a Malayan Campaign but that would be several installments down the road.
  3. I'm not shunning clickable cockpits since as prefer to turn the magnetos and fuel cocks on and off by clicking them instead of assigning key commands and I feel they should only be for those plus maybe a few other things; nobody is asking for a DCS style here. However, I would put having a CloD like aircraft and systems DM, pilots being warned of enemies on their 6, Drop Tanks and swimming models for pilots after parachuting in to the sea and after ditching into the sea like in IL-2 1946 for Combat Pilot over clickable cockpits. There were things in IL-2 GBs that to add or fix may seem simple but in actuality they would require a lot of work. For instance, one of the devs told me that it would be easier to make a swimming model for pilots after parachuting into water than just making it so that in that situation they don't die because many parameters would have to be changed. The devs said in the Brief Room with Wardog in 2022 that for making it so that your wingmen warn you of aircraft on your 6 it would require a major AI revision. I would prefer something like in CFS3 where you hover the mouse over an instrument like the Propeller Pitch and it tells you what it's reading... tooltips. This would be useful for the Japanese planes:
  4. Or it will just be New Guinea and or Burma that are on the table for them.
  5. Sorry for the necro, here are some more things that I wasn't fond of in IL-2 GBs that I hope will not be in CP: 1. As of late 2021 the pilot DM was quite unforgiving during a collision on the ground where a wing tip hit a tree or pole, the plane spun around and suffered very minor damage but the pilot was instantly killed. It's like the pilot was never modelled to be wearing a harness. One time I taxied a Pe-2 into a revetment at 30km/h and everyone was instantly killed including the Ventral Gunner who absorbed the least of the energy during the collision. Lots of magic bullets, trees were too strong or the pilot DM was too weak, if your wingtip hit another plane both planes would instantly explode or both pilots would be instantly killed. In actual examples of this such as Swede Vejtasa and the Sonder Kommando Elbe pilots they survived their mid air collisions relatively uninjured with one of the latter pilots being injured due to enemy aircraft fire. 2. Fuel tank explosions were way over the top and instantly fatal for everyone onboard. 3. During a water landing or impact the plane would often at speeds of around 200 km/h or greater not plow through the water and instead would instantly cartwheel on top of the water surface or if at a flat attitude just skim on top of the water as if it was a hard surface and only plow through the water when almost all the forward momentum had dissipated. 4. If your group attacked let's say an airbase, you dropped your ordinance and started flying back to base, then all your wingmen were shot down, even if you were 10 miles away and a few hundred feet above the ground, all the enemy planes would know exactly where you were and converge on you. Who are you Richard Bong, Gabby Gabreski? Even if you were halfway across the English Channel a few hundred feet above the water and enemy fighters flew over you at 8,000 feet, they would ditch whatever their assigned mission was and go after you. It's like these planes had 21st century onboard radar. Thank you.
  6. Just finished watching this. Hadn't seen it until now probably because I was 9 when it came out. RIP Vera Leckie who died in January this year.
  7. My guess on the plane set: American: Wildcat, Devastator, Dauntless, AI Catalina Japanese: Zero, Val, Kate, Pete
  8. I got Silent Hunter 4 back in 2012, the disc version. Had lots of fun with it. I got Silent Hunter 5 the year before; it also came with the disc of Lost and Found: The Legacy of USS Lagarto. I generally liked SH5 more mainly because you could walk about the sun but disliked sinking battleships as part of campaign objectives and bugs. I could go on for hours talking about how I as a Grade 6 student then loved the Mare Nostrum campaign and how much I learned about the Siege of Malta and the Regia Marina, and the Arctic Convoys. Pretty amazed with the story of Operation Pedestal. Shortly after getting the game I saw Das Boot.
  9. Watch episodes 1 and 2 last night and loved them. Loved Episode 3. I looked up Harry Crosby and now I want to read more about him… maybe even his memoir which the show is also based on.
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