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Trooper117 last won the day on July 24

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O-5 (19/30)

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  1. That is yet another step going forward... good stuff!
  2. I was 13 yrs old... absolutely glued to the TV watching all the news on anything to do with space... I also made all the Airfix rockets and Luna Rovers, landing module etc.
  3. I always did like the look of them too...
  4. Looks great when they did that wing over and dived down... but then again they didn't have a flock of A6M's hot on their tails!
  5. When I was on my AFV recognition instructors course many years ago now, I always remember the Chief Instructor saying it was always very easy to recognise French armoured vehicles... '' if it looks weird and sounds like shit, it's French!'' which at the time was pretty correct 🤣 It may not be that way now though, as I haven't taught that subject for 25 years or so!...
  6. Not interested... note the bit where it's in cockpit, plane on the ground, slam throttle full forward, and off you go... so yes a 'realistic' WWII flight sim... laughable! Having said that, one thing I learned, this is another version of War Thunder that has 'proper' vr implemented not a workaround, so that should please the vr crowd... also, the old WT engine cannot cope with all the controls system needed, so it looks like this version has a new engine, so more functionality for the WT fan base...
  7. Yes, bought this a couple of weeks ago... a really worthwhile watch, thoroughly enjoyable!
  8. They are there to give people like us something to moan about...
  9. Jason and crew will be hitting the Pacific arena for the foreseeable future, I'd say by the time they get around to doing a Folland Gnat in any meaningful theatre and map, you will probably have ceased to exist, along with the rest of mankind...
  10. Nice pics... but in reality, you certainly wouldn't want to go to war in one. Like the Fairey Battle, by the time it saw war service it was already out of date.
  11. Ah, the 'Rufe'... that surely has to come at some stage...
  12. Now that is a great picture!
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