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Mysticpuma last won the day on July 19

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  1. And here's a link to many other great videos they created: https://www.youtube.com/@Yarnhub
  2. It's the 3rd of June, 1942, and nine P40B Tomahawk fighters of the South African Air Force 5th Squadron are rushing to the aid of French defenders that are being attacked in a fort by German Stuka’s. It’s a star-studded flight with 3 flying aces in its midst; Distinguished Flying Cross recipient Robin Pare, Cecil Golding, and Louis Botha. A few kilometers away famed ace Hans-Joachim Marseille and his wingman are on a patrol aboard their Bf 109s when they receive the desperate plea from the Stukas. They don’t need to be told twice, they slam the throttle to full and race to the rescue. They arrive at a chaotic scene, with allied fighters all over the Stukas, but Marseille is undeterred. What happens next is an incredible battle of 3 aces versus a German Uber Ace. An incredible feat of skill that cemented Marseilles reputation as the Star of Africa.
  3. However here's a good 'con' argument:
  4. Looking at this for the 'starving' VR players on PS5, I think this is going to be a pretty popular addition. Also, let's be honest, anything that drives interest on consoles, could eventually lead to PC player bases expanding when they feel the game is a little hollow.
  5. For the long time flight simmer, I think most of us will remember "Hyperlobby" and how easy it made it to find a server or join your squad mates, create a Co-Op event, etc, etc. I used the term "rebuilding" because while it's obvious it still exists, having that central hub where all gamers went to, gave the opportunity for them to see other communities but all centralised around "Hyperlobby". Whatever the developers do with Combat Pilot, I think it is integral they consider making server software that has some type of "Co-Op" option that can be easily implemented to encourage teams or Squadrons. However aligned with that, what do people think of 'bringing back' or at least considering integration for a new Hyperlobby?
  6. Oct 25 1944 - Kamikaze attack on the USS Kitkun Bay (CVE-71) - painting by Howard Gerrard
  7. That's great colourisation, very interesting clip too!
  8. The beauty of the Unreal 5 engine is the scalability. Just in case you didn't see the tech demo, this is running on a PS5, so imagine it on anything above a 1080GTX. Skip to the 1m20s mark for the demo.
  9. Puts onto a whole new context your post where you were looking for people to do skins 🤔😂
  10. Agree, I look at the list of commands that would be really useful (maybe more). I assume it would have to have some type of manual interface, but the option to at VA bound to it would be the best of both.
  11. Something like this for Combat Pilot (that works) would be brilliant!
  12. New update from Buzzsaw regarding the B-17 external model: "Hello All The B-17E external and damage models are complete. It has been placed in the queue for import into the game. Cockpits and turrets are well underway... images will be part of a later update. Images are from 3dsMax viewer and do not include in game shadowing and reflection effects. https://i.ibb.co/phzgwmk/promo-063124-1.jpg https://i.ibb.co/Q9xqc7n/promo-063124-2.jpg https://i.ibb.co/GRMP3gF/promo-063124-3.jpg https://i.ibb.co/ky8wK6D/promo-063124-4.jpg https://i.ibb.co/LQHDWjK/promo-063124-5.jpg https://i.ibb.co/Vw2hPwP/promo-063124-6.jpg https://i.ibb.co/NZYbPSX/promo-063124-7.jpg https://i.ibb.co/7VvJHqx/promo-063124-8.jpg https://i.ibb.co/0VHXVWG/promo-063124-9.jpg It will be human flyable... full pilot/bombardier/turrets except waist gunner positions, (no one uses these as they are very difficult to hit with and also require a huge amount of 3d modeling) and no Radio/Navigator positions. (these have no functional use in the game)
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