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12 hours ago, Blooddawn1942 said:

Looking forward to the Ahsoka series also!

I really enjoyed Star Wars Rebels and loved Thrawn so I’m very excited for Ahsoka on August 31st 😀

Obi-Wan Kenobi was an amazing show and I hope it gets a second season.

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1 hour ago, Enceladus said:

I really enjoyed Star Wars Rebels and loved Thrawn so I’m very excited for Ahsoka on August 31st 😀

Obi-Wan Kenobi was an amazing show and I hope it gets a second season.

I read Zahns trilogy in the early 90s. Thrawn is an incredible cool character and I'm very excited to see him introduced in a real series besides Rebels. 🙂

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  • Executive Producer Skystreak Productions

I'm a big fan of the Mandalorian and I like Andor especially. I liked how they portrayed the evilness of the Empire. Kenobi was a little weak to me, but still enjoyed it. Boba Fett was pretty weak IMHO although Ming Na is my dream girl! 😍


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11 minutes ago, Jason_Williams said:

I'm a big fan of the Mandalorian and I like Andor especially. I liked how they portrayed the evilness of the Empire. Kenobi was a little weak to me, but still enjoyed it. Boba Fett was pretty weak IMHO although Ming Na is my dream girl! 😍


I was also somewhat underwhelmed by Kenobi. But there is so much good content these days located in the SW universe. So it´s ok if one series is not the big hit.

Regarding Boba, the first two episodes rocked. It was like Dances with Wolves (The Tusken Culture) enriched with some Lawrence of Arabia. (The wrecked train scene). But after that it got sort of weak. Absolutely disliked the scooter gang...

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  • Executive Producer Skystreak Productions
17 minutes ago, Blooddawn1942 said:

I was also somewhat underwhelmed by Kenobi. But there is so much good content these days located in the SW universe. So it´s ok if one series is not the big hit.

Regarding Boba, the first two episodes rocked. It was like Dances with Wolves (The Tusken Culture) enriched with some Lawrence of Arabia. (The wrecked train scene). But after that it got sort of weak. Absolutely disliked the scooter gang...

No one liked scooter gang. You are right about the first couple episodes. Bobba grew a heart too, thought he'd go more gangster when he took over Jaba's Palace.


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Going to see the first Star wars film when I was 13 years old was an absolutely mind-blowing experience. The Empire strikes Back (for me) will probably never be bettered and is up there as one of my favourite science fiction films of all time. I thought the Mandalorian season 1 and 2 were really strong but I really didn't much love for season three. I just wish that they would get back to a Bounty Hunter in space. I thought Andor was amazing. Kenobi and Boba Fett were a massive disappointment for me. As for the Daisy Ridley movies, I'd like them see them consigned to the scrap heap of cinema turkeys. I thought they were utterly dire and plan awful.

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Even bad Star Wars is better than another NCSI: Law and Chicago Five-O 99 Housewives episode.


Proud owner of every version of Star Wars, including a Japanese LD release of Phantom Menace and the original original trilogy on LD with Ewoks singing up to 4k.

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George Lucas took his inspiration from Star Wars from the Hidden Fortress and the Dam Busters. The original trilogy are an absolute art form when looking at everything else that's come after them. 

Despite those furry little teddies in the third movie.

Another interesting thing to note is the inspiration for the Mandalorian owes a huge amount of influence from the manga Lone Wolf and Cub. 

LoneWolf2a copy.jpg

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  • 1 month later...

Since nobody has posted anything in a while, might as well do so myself.

On 5/19/2023 at 3:20 PM, OriginalCustard said:

I thought the Mandalorian season 1 and 2 were really strong but I really didn't much love for season three. I just wish that they would get back to a Bounty Hunter in space.

I liked how in Season 3 of Mandalorian we got to see more of The New Republic beyond some guys ticketing Mando.

On 5/19/2023 at 3:20 PM, OriginalCustard said:

Kenobi and Boba Fett were a massive disappointment for me.

Kenobi I really enjoyed apart from a few things; Part VI has to be the best episode. Boba Fett I felt was okay, really enjoyed seeing Luke, Ahsoka, Grogu and Mando. My major gripe being that they bring Cad Bane into it and after two episodes he dies

On 5/19/2023 at 3:20 PM, OriginalCustard said:

As for the Daisy Ridley movies, I'd like them see them consigned to the scrap heap of cinema turkeys. I thought they were utterly dire and plan awful.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The Force Awakens is one of the best Star Wars movies with it being my third favourite behind A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. When I first saw The Last Jedi I felt it was meh but after reading that George Lucas really enjoyed it and watching some videos, I've re-rated it as Okay. The Rise of Skywalker is more entertaining than The Last Jedi (and not stuff that's ROFL) and has more of a plot. It was nice to see Lando again, as well as Harrison Ford's surprise cameo and Ian McDiarmid's performance was epic. It's not as good as the OT films but better than others. I would rather watch these movies than Episodes I and II. My only requirements for the upcoming Rey movie is for Finn and the Broom Boy from The Last Jedi to be her apprentices.

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On 5/19/2023 at 2:45 AM, Blooddawn1942 said:

Looking forward to the Ahsoka series also!

I have some dim hope for that. The trailer has some positive and negative. But under the current management, I have little hope.

Kathleen Kennedy successfully destroyed any IP Lucasfilm had to a probably unsavable degree. Disney management did so with other IPs. As things are now, it is even questionable if Disney - as we know it - will even survive the current monumental mismanagement on all levels.

There was a time when I was still angry about KK and her minions destroying pop culture with spite and on purpose. But after the third Rey Palpantine movie, I am past caring. And so is the world, given they managed to halve the profits over three movies. And turn a net loss on "Solo". (Turning a net loss on a SW movie is actuaull quiet an achievement.) SW merch is like lead in the shelves of large retailers. As even huge rebates won't make it move, it's just landfill. the cultural impact of a movie is not really measured on the box office, but in the merch it sells. There was a time when that industry actually produced something we looked forward to. It was a disaster when the writers guild went on strike. Well, they are on strike now (against not being replaced by ChatGPT and given the current quality of their scripts that is a fair assumption) and who cares?

Some say that the total cash net plus in the books of Disney company is a mere 200 million USD for the entire company. Now they have to cash out Comcast on the Hulu deal (to get another Sreaming service of questionable profit) and certain outlets had valued Hulu at 25 to 70 billion USD. Goold luck financing new "content" like that. No wonder Lucasfilm is on the chopping block with allegedly a wealthy individual as buyer. But this is not the only dark cloud, there is persistent rumor that Disney is involved in some dealings with FTX before that crime venture went belly up. But Disney is left with a fantastic hole in their books that has to be covered with a kind of bookkeeping that should make for a great movie plot. However, they have due dilligence in house right now and the FTX might be the initial reason for it.

So, what to expect from SW? Jon Favreau had his ways of giving up at least on his ideas about SW (or will quit entirely) and if Filoni would make something the world wants to see is a question. The Acolyte is DOA and Leslye Headland fired. (There is some good in this world!) KK at some point will have to go as well, as Iger mandated she makes a net plus on Indy 5. This would be about 1 billion the movie had to make on the box office. Given even the industry wants her to fail (showing the movie at Cannes much before the release, no embargos on reviews and even allowing shills to write that the movie really sucks, because it really does) and she'll be on the way out. Those four people who liked a deconstructed, broken Luke drinking alien milk and giving way to girl-boss Palpantine, maybe want to see a deconstruced, old, and mocked-by-fleabag Indy. But that won't make Disney 1 billion USD. But at that point Disney looks like Germany'45 in every possible way. Time for a new start with whatever is left.

Now, I might be wrong about all of this (great if I am!), but Disney just became that place, where under every rock you turn, it stinks.

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Rebels, Rogue One, Andor and the first two seasons of Mandolorian were good but everything else has been a major disappointment... I hope Ashoka is good...


Kathleen Kennedy has been the worse thing to happen to Lucasfilm.

P51 resized.jpg

"Straighten up and fly right"

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Honestly I think the franchise was in trouble with decisions made by GL.

1)Jar Jar Binks.  You went from having funny droid banter/reactions with C3PO and R2 too well Jar Jar and low hanging fruit "comedy". I still think that the theory of Jar Jar being a Sith had some merit.

2) The prequels were kids movies that dealt with trade wars?  Yeah cause kids are are all about trade  embargo etc.

3) Natalie Portman is a decent actress, and they did little with her. 

And finally as another example of GL losing it and this is off topic I know, Red Tails.

Edit: Forgot that Boba Fet(it was too slow).  They should give Ming-Na Wen her own series.  She was better, and I loved her reaction to her mini lego Fennec Shand.


Just my 2 cents.

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On 6/26/2023 at 11:13 PM, Enceladus said:

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The Force Awakens is one of the best Star Wars movies

Of course we're dealing with each other's opinions here but the Rey trilogy really did go a very long way to destroy Star wars. Edit. There are only three Star wars movies for me and those are the originals and if we look at the alien franchise their only two originals for me I completely and absolutely disregard the rest.

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On 6/27/2023 at 8:15 AM, ZachariasX said:

Kathleen Kennedy successfully destroyed any IP Lucasfilm had to a probably unsavable degree. Disney management did so with other IPs. As things are now, it is even questionable if Disney - as we know it - will even survive the current monumental mismanagement on all levels.

I completely agree with what you say. She took one of the greatest science fiction franchises of all time and turned it into an absolute abomination. Unfortunately Star Trek went the same way of course we can't blame Kennedy for that can we but just look what she's done with the new Indiana Jones, movie oh dear oh dear.

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Most Disney "productions" these days are bait and switch they take beloved male heroes like Luke, Han an Indiana Jones and make them look stupid and inept so that a young female co-stars can take the mantle of hero with little or no effort. As mentioned above Rey could do anything she didn't need no man training her. Particularly Luke, who was turned into a bitter, twisted green tittie milk drinking joke of a character. Throughout the entire trilogy there was no real danger or failure on her part. If a character doesn't have to try and succeeds with little or no effort,  in the end then that character becomes completely pointless. Unfortunately this is like most storytelling I'm convinced it's just written by AI with generic points programmed in. 

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2 hours ago, OriginalCustard said:

I completely agree with what you say. She took one of the greatest science fiction franchises of all time and turned it into an absolute abomination.

This is something I often read and I got to ask. How? I am indifferent on KK. If Star Wars is in an unsavable state then we wouldn't have gotten Mandalorian, Andor and Tales of the Jedi, or they wouldn't be as loved as they are, and we would not be getting Ahsoka. The only things from the latest trilogy which I feel ruined the franchise were the Holdo Maneuver and Palpatine revealed to be alive on a hidden planet... but if you analyze them more deeply they actually don't. For the latter, Palpatine returned very similarly in Dark Empire (1992) and to my knowledge there was nothing then which said that Anakin was The Chosen One; it was Episode I which said that and people never threw fits.

A lot of things people complain about these days are very nitpicking and the franchise is full of things -- going back to the OT days -- where if they happened for the first time today, people would be whining about them for a long time. E.gs. Han screaming and running at a bunch of stormtroopers, Luke and Leia were not to be siblings and her being Luke's sister came out of the blue, Ewoks taking out AT-ATs as if they slipped on banana peels, and Kit Fisto having a big grin on his face.

It makes me wonder if people are ruining Star Wars for themselves by being overly nitpicky over tiny things that most people didn't notice and if they did notice didn't care about if they didn't whine about them. (After the Prequel Trilogy was universally panned by critics, there wasn't a widespread opinion that George Lucas ruined the franchise and it's in an unsavable state.)

3 hours ago, OriginalCustard said:

we can't blame Kennedy for that can we but just look what she's done with the new Indiana Jones, movie oh dear oh dear.

You haven't even seen the movie, so how do you know she ruined Indiana Jones? Yes, the Cannes film festival rated it 51% on Rotten Tomatoes but as ZachariasX stated, people who watched it were shills (hmm... similar story to RoF where a considerable amount of freeloaders at the very least who most likely weren't actual flight simmers started writing negative reviews about it for nonsensical reasons and is probably the major reason why it's currently rated 54% on Steam). You have cynics, trolls saying negative things about it when they probably haven't even seen it. I've seen reviews from people who have seen it and they found it enjoyable with some saying it was better than Indy 4; its rating has climbed up to 67%.

Regardless if Indy 5 is bad or not, how does it ruin the franchise? It's one thing to say that you did not like a movie (which is perfectly fine) but to say that it ruins the franchise is something else. You cannot automatically declare that a bad movie = a franchise being ruined because if for say you didn't like Avatar 2 then you would have to say that Avatar as a whole is ruined.

That's my 2 cents

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On 6/27/2023 at 7:13 AM, Trooper117 said:

Apart from the original three films, which I loved, all the rest don't come up to the mark in my opinion... apart from one other, 'Rogue One'.

Rogue One got my interest going again, I really enjoyed it.

Have you seen Andor?  It’s really well done.  It’s a prequel to Rogue One, and it got great reviews.  

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Making watchable content for a streaming service is one thing. Making a whole generation cosplay your movie is just another sport. THAT is what pulls the merch. Andor is nice if it was just a sci-fi series. How many Andor toys have been sold at Walmart in the US? Like 5? I mean, the Death Star could be awesome for another adaptation of "the office". Andor goes far enough in that direction. But it's just not SW, even if you bring in the X-wings and some dudes in a white plastic dress shooting with friggin' "laser" guns.

7 hours ago, Enceladus said:

If Star Wars is in an unsavable state then we wouldn't have gotten Mandalorian, Andor and Tales of the Jedi, or they wouldn't be as loved as they are, and we would not be getting Ahsoka.

It is highly doubtful that KK thinks she did anything wrong, hence they keep pushing out that stuff, and this until the company collapses. And they are at that point now and everybody knows they are on fire. Leslye Headland, the former assistant to Harvey Weisnstein most likely was selected by KK to carry on her legacy of the female force, the bestest evar!, but it seems now that even the untouchables get sacked. Iger is personally responsible for getting the woke minions aboard, hence him cutting them lose doesn't mean he wants to, but he knows he must. Some shows were better when Favreau still had some say, but it appears that he was discarded for Filoni who caved to KK.

Andor may be something, but wait for the Acolyte, if that should indeed materialize. As said, I don't think so as they ("some say") spent some 300 million USD on it already but Disney is basically broke by now. Some others however say that at Disney they are happy with it as it was "looking good". Now what is the supposed plot? It's said to be this one: Girl-boss wants to be a Jedi but thinks that Jedi-teacher is an a**hole and promptly joins the dark side to find out that that man is also an a**hole and she don't need no training anyway, because you go girl! and decides to destroy the force once and for all. Which of course she can. How great is that? I bet they make billions with that, especially on an all-inclusive streaming platform. Haha. And as in Indy5, the definitive plot can be made up in the cutting room and with re-shoots. Or even while airing the show.

There are hardly any relatable characers in a movie anymore. The stoic hero has been thoroughly exterminated. Imagine "Cool Hand Luke" today in theaters. And the thing is, even women like good male characters.

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