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Everything posted by OriginalCustard

  1. Having enjoyed flight sims for more years then I can remember, I have taken an extended break and haven't flown anything for 6 months. I spent probably 25 years plus flying offline in one sim or the other and I only dipped my toe in the online world with GB. My love affair with that title is well and truly over so I won't be going anywhere near that in the foreseeable future. I'm not really a modern jet or commercial aircraft fan and I have been in and out of DCS over the years but it never really held me to the extent to keep going back. Having said that the Phantom will undoubtedly tempt me to go back for another look, as if I have a favourite jet it has to be the Phantom or the Buccaneer. WWII flight sims have always been the mainstay for me and I know we probably have a long wait but I'm really holding out a lot of hope that CP will be the one to ignite that passion for flying regularly again.
  2. They will have to do something truly exceptional to generate any personal interest in what they eventually produce and there need to be some serious changes to their forum and their PR. Having said that I don't care what they will do as long as Jason and Co can give us the a classic and innovative PTO flight experience. I'll certainly be keeping everything crossed
  3. Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas 🎄🎁 and a hopeful and joyous New Year.
  4. 1. Burma 2. Burma 3. Burma 4. Burma 5. Burma
  5. Along with the flight model the damage model for me will be of the most interest. I certainly hope that it won't be the case as in other sims where the DM is woeful one shot wonders. Bombers in particular and certainly "heavies" could take some serious punishment.
  6. I can so imagine that 😃 and I really hope something like that can be implemented in CP 🤞
  7. I know it's very early days in the development cycle and this may have already been discussed here but currently I'm popping in and out of the forum and may have missed any relevant information on this. I wonder if the team have considered some kind of hyper lobby setup for CP with the ability to create online missions relatively easily? I know that most virtual pilots will be single players but online, (for me anyway)is the only way to fly. Edit - I also wonder if we will have practical and achievable AI elements online to create larger bomber formations and give us bomber guys a fighting chance 😃
  8. Thanks very much for a very informative DD. Hot damn, I am so looking forward to this amazing project 🫡
  9. Absolutely Leifr, I really haven't been this excited for a project in a very long time and due to the fact I'm an old git it takes a lot to excite me
  10. It's really sad to say the "the other" sim IMO is a shadow of it's former self in so many ways and I haven't been on the forum or flown at all for several months now and what is even sadder is I'm not missing it. Having said that, I genuinely hope that Combat Pilot will excel and surpass what "the other sim" was doing back in the day. I've said it before but I'm really excited to see where combat pilot goes, particularly in terms of it's flight model and the damage model and the PTO is such an amazing setting to fly some iconic aircraft in. I wish Jason and team every success.
  11. War Thunder is more or less an instant gratification game, something you can drop in or drop out of with little investment in time etc. DCS/MSFS takes a little more dedication and investment and it seems as though a hell of a lot of gamer these days want that instant dopamine hit. IL2, was in my opinion a very good middle ground with some simplification in many areas but with time investment require. Unfortunately, (IMO) IL2 in the last year or so made some absolutely terrible decisions particularly with AI, the laughable damage model that they currently have and the "updated" ammunition penetration values. I don't really care if Combat Pilot has a "workable" cockpit environment. What I do care about is the AI, damage model and flight model are the most realistic we can possible get given current software/hardware limitations.
  12. I'd love to see one of these in a sim and flyable. Any heavies would be good if I'm being honest
  13. I really hope that we have a comprehensive damage model system modelled in Combat pilot.
  14. I love the Wildcat but those torpedoes are sending me all giddy!
  15. I know it's very early days but I'm curious if we will ever see ai bombers or even flyable heavies?
  16. I was a massive fan of the original Baldurs Gate games and at the time I thought they were amazing. Scoot forward several decades and out comes Baldurs Gate III and I have to say, in opinion it is masterpiece and hopefully the benchmark for how games should be made moving forward. Larian studios (an indie company) have genuinely listen to their customer base and I think they have created the greatest (c)RPG to date. A completed game with no micro transactions or in-game purchases, massive attention to detail, respect for the lore and most importantly respect and involvement for the paying customer. The only downside that I have see so far is the very basic character customisation at the beginning of the game due on no doubt in large part to feature androgynous looking characters for the modern day "requirements". You can play pre-generated characters but if you want to create an original character there is not much choice and limited options to make that truly unique character. Hopefully mods will sort out that little issue. Larian studios truly have shaken the gaming industry tree and we had seen many AAA gaming company heads whining on "social media" that gamers shouldn't have there expectations raised for other games because BG III over delivers in every department. Almost seems like they are saying just accept our unfinished product and micro transactions. I hope that with the release of this game, and I'm keeping everything crossed for Starfield, maybe we have turned a corner to get back into a scenario where games developers actually care about their customer base and give the customer what they want (as it used to be). Only time will tell I suppose?
  17. Cliffs never really captured my imagination. It was a buggy mess on release and I personally thought it was over-simplified in many areas. I could take off and land with ease and the flight model felt like it ran on rails (so I don't upset anyone these are just my options). I don't want to see it fail but unfortunately like some other sims I could mention,the player base ain't what it used to be. Hopefully they will find a way to encourage more players but I don't think we should bet on it anytime soon.
  18. There is absolutely nothing uncivil in saying that you dislike a movie or you would like it consign to the scrap heap. It's expressing an opinion. And with opinions sometimes you will agree with them and sometimes you won't. The Rey trilogy in my opinion was dire, it actually went a very long way to dismantling a once great IP. I didn't like the prequel trilogy that much either but they are like high art compared to the last three Rey films (in my opinion). I don't see why this thread needs to be locked, there is nothing worse than shutting down conversation, even if we may not agree with what other people say. When you remove the ability to have open discourse you tend to end up in an echo chamber.
  19. It "really" does matter because despite which individual is at the helm "they" in this case Kennedy will be tarnished with the failure of the product. The job of a company is to make money and it certainly seems as though Lucasfilm is now a tainted brand. The merchandising has cratered, Indy 5 will probably not break even, Galactic Starcruiser is finished, Solo made a loss, Willow was not only cancelled but removed completely from the streaming service and viewing figures for the other Star Wars shows are falling away in most cases. All while Kennedy is at the helm. You can huff as many virtual farts that you want in the general direction of those you disagree with but it doesn't change the fact that the ESG model is the "standard" for the majority of companies. I don't want politics of any kind injected into entertainment unless it a political thriller or absolutely relevant to the story. I don't need anyone or any media or entertainment outlet to tell me what I should think or feel and I don't need to be lectured by a bunch of activist calling themselves "film makers" The major problem with film making today is movies cost too much damn money too produce there is far too much meddling from studio executives and the actors are paid far too much. The Hollywood Dream has always been fake but perhaps now its just turned into a nightmare. It would really help so much if the female characters of today were actually written, convinced and constructed in a sensible way. What we have today is an almost godlike infallibility and sheer brilliance written into most female protagonists. There is no heroes journey, no real threat, no character arc and you end up with bland interchangeable, unlikable and forgettable characters. Ellen Ripley, for me is one of the best examples of a well written and incredible female protagonist. You can also add Sarah Connor in T1 and T2 Kara Thrace in BSG, Buffy Summers, Beatrix "the Bride" Kiddo, River Tam and a whole host of legacy female characters that really highlight just how poorly many modern female characters are written for the screen. She certainty seems to have a thing for brunette, well spoken English ladies.
  20. I really enjoyed Extraction but the 2nd was trying a little too hard for my liking.
  21. I had zero expectations so I think that is why I probably enjoyed it. It was certainly better than the last D&D movie 😂
  22. During my teens I was an avid fan of Dungeons and Dragons. We actually started a Dungeons and Dragons club at school and after we left some of us continued playing into our twenties. I've seen a couple of the Dungeons and Dragons movies before and they were pretty awful. However decided to sit down to watch Dungeons and Dragons honor among thieves with very low expectations. Most modern movies for me just don't cut the mustard anymore, but much to my surprise I thought it was a great little film and highly enjoyable. If you like fantasy movies this one might be for you.
  23. I've got high hopes for Starfield and in particular, the modding community and what they will do with it. I really enjoyed Skyrim no end and it's still going strong all these years later. Fingers crossed for Starfield.
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