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Most Favoured Scenarios


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If you had a choice of flying your 'top five' scenarios in Combat Pilot, what would they be?

I have to say that I had to think long and hard as to what constitutes my top five. Without great effort I easily came up with 20 or so immediately.  But then to pare them down really stretched the grey matter.  So after long and considered thought, and several redrafts, here are the scenarios I would MOST like to fly.
My deciding factors were the action I would like to fly in, combined with the aircraft I most like.

a) No.1 Squadron RAAF. Based at Koto Bharu. Equipped with Lockheed Hudson's No.1 Sq were the first Allied aircraft to attack the Japanese in the Pacific War. Shortly after midnight, local time, on the night of 7/8 December, the Japanese force started landing on the beaches at Koto Bharu less than 1.5 km from the airfield. Commencing at 0208, No. 1 Squadron launched a series of assaults on the Japanese ships and land forces that continued throughout the day in the face of heavy AAA. The remaining units of the Squadron withdrew south at nightfall, prior to the Japanese capturing the airfield.

b) No.75 Squadron RAAF. Defence of Port Moresby. The fabled 44 days. Established on 4 March at Townsville 1942 with twenty eight (28) green pilots (only 4 who had seen active service across the world in the Western Desert) and twenty five (25)new P-40E's, No.75 Squadron were the only fighter unit to operate out of Port Moresby from 21 March to 3 May 1942. It fought against the cream of the IJNAF facing the tough Tainan Kokutai. It flew both strike and defence operations. In those 44 days the Australians claimed eighteen (18) Japanese aircraft shot down, thirty-three (33) probables and thirty (30) destroyed or severely damaged on the ground. In return it lost fifth-teen (15) P-40's in air combat and two (2)to ground attack, with another five (5) to ground accidents. Thirty seven (37) pilots served with the Squadron, of whom eleven (11) were killed (including two Squadron Commanders) and fourteen (14) injured or wounded.

c) Tainan Kokutai. Attack On The Philippines 1941/2 and Dutch East Indies 1942. Have always wanted to fly the missions from Formosa to the Philippines in the early war period, when the 'Type O fighter' ruled supreme. Racing in strafing Iba and Clark fields, wiping out General Mac's air force. Have never found a good scenario in any sim to date of this action. Then onto the Dutch East Indies. Would provide a typically broad summary of early war actions, against a multitude of foes from different nations. Opportunity for air, land and sea actions.

d) VT-12, Part of Air Group 12 aboard USS Saratoga; November 1943. Flying the TBF Avenger in the November 5th and 11th raids against Rabaul Harbour. On the 5th November TF 38 (Saratoga and Princeton) launched ninety seven (97) partook the raid. Attacking Rabaul was considered very high risk, with heavy AAA and over 100 land-based fighters available for defence. But the targets were high value, a mix of heavy cruisers, lighter naval units and merchantmen. Would be mayhem picking out targets to attack whilst dodging fighters and heavy flak. Then on the 11th the combined TF 38 and TF 50 (Essex, Bunker Hill and Independence) launched 148 aircraft to again raid Rabaul. Once more into the lions den. This has it all, massive fleets, carrier v land based aircraft, ships, heavy AA and a multitude of targets to attack in my trusty Avenger.

e) 85th Sentai, China. This is more a campaign than a scenario, as it would cover actions from '42 to '45. But it lets me fly my two favourite JAAF aircraft; the Ki-44 Shoki and the Ki-84 Hayate against a variety of USAAF fighters from the P-40 through to the P-51. And in the time frame it covers both a time when the Japanese were on the offensive with fighter sweeps, escort and ground attacks to falling back on the defensive against a stronger, more numerous opponent but flying a superior aircraft in the Ki-84. And it covers a very forgotten theatre ie China. 


If I could fly the above in Combat Pilot I would be the happiest chappy in OZ!
Interested to see what folks come up with.



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6 hours ago, Trooper117 said:

I'm not going into detail, but my favourites would revolve around...

1. Guadalcanal.

2. Malaya/Singapore.

3. Flying Tigers.

4. Fleet Air Arm attacks on Sabang, Sumatra. 

5. British Pacific Fleet off Sakishima Islands in the Ryukyu group.

I am definitely on board with the Guadalcanal and Flying Tigers campaign/modules. 014_thumbsup.gif.fb461bd34e9e14142f72990c7e8c679f.gif

  1. Guadalcanal (At some point I would hope we have a map that encompasses the entire slot region including Rabaul.)
  2. Flying Tigers
  3. Midway
  4. Battle of the Philippine sea (Great Marianas Turkey Shoot)
  5. Battle off Samar/Battle of Leyte Gulf (Last stand of the tin can sailors)

Honourable mention...

  1. Doolittle Raid


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Download Missions, Skins, & Essential files for IL-2 1946 and several other game series from Mission4Today.

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The slogging match against Port Moresby and the reciprocal offensive around Lae and Salamaua would be my first pick for sheer variety and longevity.

The later seige of Rabaul in 43-44 would be next in line. Once again, for variety of aircraft and mission types.

For a video game format, I am much less interested in the ultra-long range Guadalcanal campaign and the ten-day Midway engagement.


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On 7/19/2023 at 6:45 PM, BlitzPig_EL said:

New Guinea.


On 7/19/2023 at 11:02 AM, Trooper117 said:

2. Malaya/Singapore.

These scenarios - P-40, Hurricanes and Buffaloes over the jungle (and Hudsons 🙂)

Edited by Calos_01
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Hmm. Not one Midway wish, that is what we are getting. 
I have a weak spot for New Guinea and Burma, both need no carrier based airplanes. Witch they will deliver. 
what we talk about here won’t happen next 3 years, maybe realistic putting it up on wish list then

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1 hour ago, Lusekofte said:

Hmm. Not one Midway wish, that is what we are getting. 
I have a weak spot for New Guinea and Burma, both need no carrier based airplanes. Witch they will deliver. 
what we talk about here won’t happen next 3 years, maybe realistic putting it up on wish list then

Well, this is from Call of Duty and Midway...if we remove the cheese and arcadishness, the visual fidelity on the deck  is pretty nice to see? I mean everything else for a sim is pants but the actual takeoff moment is pretty cool 🙂

So I'll put a vote in for Midway 🙂



Edited by Mysticpuma
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1 hour ago, Lusekofte said:

I have a weak spot for New Guinea and Burma, both need no carrier based airplanes.

Yes, ground based aircraft ops for the Pacific would always be top of my list, hence Guadalcanal, Malaya/Singapore, Flying Tigers etc, but I'm not aversed to carrier ops either... to be honest, I'll take whatever is dished up!

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If you removed the cheese and arcadeness of that video, it would be an empty clip. 😂 But I agree, the view on the deck and climbing into the plane was cool. 

I’m jazzed about Midway and anything associated with that battle being in CP. 

I’d like “carrier careers,” where you are assigned, for instance, to USS Enterprise and fight with her from Pearl to Okinawa, participating in all the battles she was involved in. There’d be some time gaps to skip, of course. I don’t expect to see this for a while, if ever, as so much would have to be developed and included in the sim. 

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On 7/24/2023 at 8:24 PM, Mysticpuma said:

Well, this is from Call of Duty and Midway...if we remove the cheese and arcadishness, the visual fidelity on the deck  is pretty nice to see? I mean everything else for a sim is pants but the actual takeoff moment is pretty cool 🙂

So I'll put a vote in for Midway 🙂



Yeah, we all loved their turretless New Orleans indeed ^^

"Damn it guys, we expended the CGI budget, we cannot give cruisers their main battery, sorry"
"Who cares!"

Apart from that and many other things unfortunately, much worse obviously, yes there was something to this idea. Just too bad the execution is as it is.

Edited by Amiral Crapaud
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  • 3 months later...

First off, as it's Midway we're getting, I hope we're also getting to fly the Dauntlesses. And if there's a career mode, then stick to one squadron, and a proper career. 



but I digress

I'm daying to see the fall of Singapore, battle of Java and Phillipines translated to a campaign. Especially as it would feature the different incarnations of the Buffalo, and it's distinct different flying charaacteristics. We'd finally be able to see which one was best (I know, the ones with less armour). 

Flying tigers would be very cool as well. I know people have a thing for battles were the Allies already have the upper hand, but I'm more inclined to fly in the early campaigns, in honour of those who did the real hard work.

Can we have flyable bombers as well? Like the Glenn Martins?



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I sure hope the Dev's are taking note at the interest shown in the various scenario's.

Top request's are:
Guadalcanal/Solomons/Rabaul @ 11
China @ 8
Malaya/Singapore @ 8
New Guniea @ 8
Midway @ 5
Carrier Ops (Gen) @ 5
Philippines (early) @ 3
Marianas/Leyte @ 3
Burma @ 3
Doolittle Raid @ 2
Pearl Harbour @ 1

I find that a very illuminating list. And I like the priorities. :classic_biggrin:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Seeing as we're starting off with Midway I hope we get some more of the 1942 carrier battles such as the Coral Sea, Eastern Solomons etc. to go with it and flesh out the single player/campaign mode.

After that I'd like to see, in rough order, the following:

- Mid/late war PTO carrier ops, Hellcats at Truk, Corsairs over Kyushu etc. The logical follow-on from 'early' war PTO carrier battles.
- The entire Solomons chain from Guadalcanal to Bougainville. Heavy air operations with equally heavy and concentrated land and naval battles to match.
- India/Burma border region '43-'44, certainly including operation U-Go. An under appreciated and 'forgotten' front.

Both NG and China are significant but I don't know enough about them to pick what would be the best date and location to make for a good sim campaign.

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Skins, missions, campaigns and historical references for flight sims: http://www.axis-and-allies-paintworks.com/news.php


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