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Everything posted by BlitzPig_EL

  1. For a hefty fee. The operating costs for a warbird are astronomical. They are not going to just give you some tach time so you can make money with it.
  2. I find piston engine aircraft attractive. Jets, well, jets are for kids.
  3. It's all about tactics and team work with the Wildcat.
  4. To be truthful I also can't wait to take off from Akagi in the A6M2, but I really, really want to get back into the "seat" of the Buffalo again, and hopefully a P40 that can actually be flown like pilots did in the real thing, unencumbered by some silly, artificial clock that triggers engine failure.
  5. Can't wait to fly the Wildcat again.
  6. Drawing comparisons does not change the fact that the Japanese totally misjudged our reaction to their aggression. They thought we would fold, they were utterly mistaken. They planted the seeds and reaped the whirlwind.
  7. The Imperial Japanese truly believed their own propaganda about the Western powers. Huge mistake. They played stupid games, and won stupid prizes.
  8. I've had the good fortune to fly aboard Yankee Warrior. An amazing experience. And a LOUD one. Photo taken from the dorsal turret.
  9. Seen the values on vintage aircraft lately?
  10. They often flew low enough o.n recon missions over The Slot to strafe Japanese seaplane bases.
  11. The B17s that flew early on in the Pacific were not flying a high altitude profile, nor were they as numerous as they were in the 8th. Airforce in Europe.
  12. Thank Hollywood for that. As well as the bogus propeller effects, tracer smoke that spirals, etc...
  13. All the B-10s looked like that. Observer/Navigator's position. The B-10 was the first closed cockpit, all metal modern monoplane bomber. A sensation when introduced, but like many interwar aircraft, quickly made obsolete by the rapidly advancing designs of the period.
  14. The Martin B-10 was also operated by the Chinese Air Force, and I believe they flew a leaflet dropping mission over Japan early on with it.
  15. It's one way to do it that worked. Not saying it's the be all and end all, but it did work. Remember, sims have changed a lot since then, but people have not. The kind of mission you want, I think, would only be possible in COOP, and there is nothing at all wrong with that, in fact I miss the COOP mode of the old IL2 as done with Hyperlobby. It worked and worked well. That, coupled with standard multiplayer type gameplay, and a robust single player experience would give us all a way to enjoy this new sim, and pretty much ensure it's success.
  16. I have a number of copies of flight test reports that I obtained from the Library of Congress and or NASA all relating to the Curtiss P36. I gathered this info many years ago and passed it on to the '46 dev team when they made the Hawk 75/P36 flyable. If you need it in future let me know.
  17. The radar proximity fuse was an amazing piece of kit, especially considering the state of technology at the time.
  18. I'm with you sir. There is a LOT of enthusiasm for this project, and I don't see it going away. The war against Imperial Japan has long been neglected in sims, and I am overjoyed that this is going to change.
  19. Baldrick, there is a subset of players that think that all players should be forced to play the sim(any sim) like they do, and if you don't then you should just go play War Thunder. Ignore them.
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