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Everything posted by Trooper117

  1. Not so cool if you meet a flight of Nipponese premier fighters... 😬
  2. That's an alligator isn't it?... crocs have longer jaws.
  3. Maybe they are now just a little worried about how good this PTO version is going to be... because they will have to match it or better it when they eventually do their version. Probably just a knee jerk reaction...
  4. Thomas can fall asleep anywhere... even when I'm trying to fly something.
  5. All I have from Razbam is the MiG-19, so for me any forthcoming drama will not affect me much... but for others, who may have bought all their products so far it may have much more of an impact if things go south. Of course there are their future modules as well that could be impacted... ED has stated they will not be pulling the F-15E from the store, as some punters are sticking their oar in stirring the pot that it should be removed as it may not be completed... sad stuff, but hopefully some sort of agreement may be arranged once the heat has died down and reality kicks in.
  6. That Hun will have a life changing experience when he meets the Potter Squadron from Gryffindor!
  7. It will get sorted and things will resume... be sure!
  8. You can get yourself locked up for saying things like that
  9. I hope they never waste time on Jerry aircraft unless they are in a combat setting where they were used (one day) Anyway, there are pretty good versions of these aircraft already in other games...
  10. This will get some hearts fluttering...
  11. If you are into flying helicopters... make sure you have these two books in your collection... they are gold!
  12. Wash your mouth out... how dare you! 💥
  13. Looking good, as we knew it would... hurrah and huzzah!
  14. Way to early to even think about British planes... (although I eagerly await Malaya for example)...
  15. Yep, enjoy the Easter break all!
  16. That's a great pic!... I'll enjoy warming them up a little later, as flying those Nipponese crates sometimes generates a lot of heat! 🤣
  17. OMG... I stated I wouldn't want a study sim like DCS, mainly because of the length of time (years) it takes to make the bloody planes... not that I didn't want a clickable cockpit. Jesus...
  18. I wouldn't want the aircraft here to be like a study sim (DCS)... something similar to the GB series would suffice. Let's face it, it can take years to produce a single aircraft to DCS standards... we would be waiting many years to get Midway to a full release standard.
  19. What?... if they are evading, how will I ever hit them?... that's not fair
  20. For me, I see them continuing to draw income from GB until the new project is formally introduced... then they will put all effort into the new format, otherwise they will have people working on the GB project, that has to all intents and purposes stopped... That's how I see it... I may be wrong, but with the smokes and mirrors, the ambiguity, the never saying exactly what their intentions are after all this time, is forcing their fan base to draw their own conclusions. It may be that they fear if they say outright, GB ends and will not be part of the next project, the fan base will say, ''sod it, no point in buying anything for GB then, and we all leave in droves... but I don't think the majority think like that. There is still a lot of playtime left in GB and the fan base will stick with it.
  21. I don't see it like that... as usual, it was left a little ambiguous... to me, he was alluding to the idea it would be too much work to do that. Why would they say that work would continue for certain areas of GB, when that would mean redoing that work again to port over to the new game engine in the future... porting over GB's aircraft alone would take many years of work... and that wouldn't mean their whole team would be working on porting over GB content either, as the majority would be working on their new project content.
  22. New update on Afghanistan map and the MiG-29 Fulcrum... https://stormbirds.blog/2024/03/22/dcs-world-updates-focus-on-mig-29-afghanistan-map/
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