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Chief_Mouser last won the day on September 7

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E-7 (7/30)

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  1. This is a whole episode; the first 45 seconds are the intro. No theme (the series had no music) but electronic noises as a 'galasphere' spins past. Largely forgotten and soon eclipsed by Fireball XL5, but it always stuck with me. 🍻
  2. Here's my third and probably final entry. This one's been a startup background for a while. Vulcan in MSFS2020. Probably over North America - can't honestly remember.
  3. This one is currently in use as a background, although I edited it a bit (cut off the edges) for here. Ju88C in Il-2 BoX
  4. I looked in a folder called Screenshots in Documents and this was the only thing in it! There must be some others somewhere 🤔. Dornier DoX in MSFS 2020. 🍻
  5. Looks more like a U-Boat. 😵
  6. Yep, sure is. I wish that the old monster was still around; even as a static aircraft it must have been so impressive. 🍻
  7. MSrE M-24. It says it on the tail... Sorry.
  8. Well spotted 👍. The 'Avro-Curtiss type' Lakes Waterbird. Lakes Water Bird - Wikipedia I must try to get up to the Lakes and see her fly; missed last month's flight so will have to be next year if I'm lucky. GoPro Footage from 6th September Flying Display - Waterbird Org 🍻
  9. Have another pic. As you've probably guessed it's a replica.
  10. You can try this one: 🍻
  11. It looks nice but I probably won't bother. I have the Spit which I haven't touched for over a year, and I have the Wildcat for Combat Pilot dreaming, which likewise won't get touched when we get one here. My favourite rides in MSFS 2020 atm are the T-33 Shooting Star, which is such a simple jet and great fun - plus as close to Korea as I'll probably get - and any float/seaplanes. I have most of the European Redwing 1935 airfield and beacon mods 1935-AIRFLIEDS | Red Wing Simulations (redwing-copter.com) so spend some time flying stuff that's old and slow as well. 🍻
  12. Interesting aircraft. The name is familiar but I don't think I ever saw one fly. Certainly seen one in a museum. Someone else can have the guess - I scrolled around the web rather too much trying to find it. 😲 🍻
  13. 'I hear you're a racist now Father. Should we all be racists?' 'Are you Right There, Father Ted?' Just re-watched the whole lot on Channel 4 online. Still brilliant. 😁
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