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  1. I understand that it might not seem like a big deal to some, but personally, I believe it's important for Combat Pilot to have a memorable and unique soundtrack because it will help give the game its own identity. Just take a look at a few games below with beautiful soundtracks. These are just a few examples out of many other games (Halo, Call of Duty, etc).
  2. Welcome to CP!
  3. White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War 1919-20 and 'The Miracle on the Vistula' A great book on the Polish-Bolshevik War. I highly recommend it, especially for those unfamiliar with the conflict.
  4. With UE5, there is no doubt this game will look absolutely stunning! Can't wait to play!!! 😄
  5. In my opinion, War Thunder's stormy weather setting nails it perfectly in terms of sea roughness - it offers a balance which feels realistic without being overwhelming, allowing ships to sail through it convincingly. Obviously waves can be absolutely massive, but accurately simulating a ship's interaction with them as it drops down from a high wave is probably challenging to do, and it might not be feasible to implement in a flight sim if it requires too much work and effort. I remember several years ago, War Thunder stormy weather setting featured larger waves, but at times, the entire ship would submerge and then reappear as if nothing had happened, and it looked.. pretty bad and unrealistic. However, in the current version, shown the in the video below, they have scaled back the intensity and it looks much better. F4F.mp4 But since CP will be running on the UE5 engine... I am extremely hyped! 👀
  6. Yeah that's true, haha. I'm just so excited for this series! It's best to start with the main American aircraft and then down the line they could think about adding British ones.
  7. In the future, are there plans to add non-American aircraft such as the Sea Hurricane, Fairey Firefly, Gloster Gladiator, Seafire, etc.? Or is it way too early to be asking? 😅
  8. My goodness, that is absolutely breathtaking. I hope CP will also have great water visuals and physics! 😄
  9. Hopefully we'll get a DD before the end of the month? 👀 Or perhaps it's still too early
  10. Oh yes, of course. I'm not expecting them to add a lot on day 1, but I was wondering if it'll be considered later on down the road.
  11. Knowing there's a possibility the maps could be huge (a lot of ocean), will drop tanks be considered? Or will it be too difficult to make? ...or maybe it'll just be pointless to have in the game? I was really hoping to see it in BoX but unfortunately, it was cancelled.. 😕
  12. IL-2 brought me here Looking forward to a Pacific flight sim (finally!!!!) Can't wait for this game, good luck dev team
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