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Everything posted by Trooper117

  1. Seeing those planes all stacked up, or just left in a dumping ground... it's almost... criminal, lol!
  2. Hidden MiGs... but where are they?
  3. These questions can't be answered yet, nobody knows...
  4. Great video... and I've learned something today!
  5. I would have preferred Guadalcanal to be honest, but Midway is a good starting point to get the basic types in game, and I'm pretty sure after people have done the Midway thing a few times, try to defend the island etc, let's face it, you take off from a carrier instead and try to find the opposition, you don't need an island, your job is to nail an enemy carrier with bombs or torps, or provide air cover if you are in a fighter... that's your job as a navy pilot! You don't have to fly it historically and then say that's it I'm done, I've flown the missions for 3 days, now I need the next battle, what is it?... lol! The guys that did this for real had no idea how long the battle would be... it was the job they were trained for and they took off and did it to the best of their ability, in essence, that is what we will do, and as many times as we like... better still, we can have a go at it from both sides, and remember, there will be lots of new planes to learn, combat tactics to practice, taking off and landing not only on land but on carriers to get into our heads as well... as I said, Midway, a good starting point.
  6. Well done old chap... report to the squadron office to collect your medal and a bonus bacon sandwich!
  7. It's got months of work ahead before we see anything playable, possibly even a year or two before the game comes to fruition. Nothing is yet set in stone about the play set or anything else...
  8. If there was anything like a hint of Vanguard in the new game I'm pretty sure I wouldn't buy it...
  9. Yes, I agree... and it's worth getting the ''Hunters over the Yalu'' campaign for the F-86 by Reflected.
  10. I started with the F-86 Sabre and MiG-15, then the F-5... still on the F-5, Worked my way up so to speak... I've got the F/A-18, for my first proper dig into the wonderful world of MFD's, lol!
  11. Yep... it's all taking shape nicely! Keep up the good work chaps!
  12. F-8's... very nice!... always liked the look of the Crusader, and it's little brother the Corsair of course.
  13. We shall see won't we...
  14. Still playing it, still enjoying it, 360 odd hours played, level 63... yes, some of the missions are so so... but I've had some great firefights and missions, plus I'm still finding locations that I've never met before the further out into the galaxy I go.
  15. So many Vietnam birds missing from that choice... 🙃
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