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Everything posted by Gambit21

  1. Back to the OP’s original point - stick forces and gun firing/lack thereof…this is interesting and something I hadn’t considered before. Modeling such behavior would definitely have a huge impact on tactics, and how a fight might turn out. I know this would have prevented many a snap-shot kill for me back in the old IL2. 🙂
  2. Oh, I see the stabilizer now… What movie is that?
  3. Really? Still looks like an Oscar to me in that shot.
  4. The first photo with the P-38 is a Ki-43 “Oscar”, not a Zero. 😉
  5. It is! It’s going to be fun to watch the product grow over time.
  6. Quite a contrast to the inept, piss-poor PR/marketing at 1C. Nice job Jason.
  7. That’s because you’re not a mission builder. 😉
  8. Jason won’t repeat that mistake - don’t worry. “AI uses same FM as the player!!” Is not a positive selling point unless you’re ignorant or how it cripples the game. Granted some are still ignorant - booting up BoX will quickly fix that.
  9. Not the young people I’ve been running a across.
  10. Let’s leave “equality” out if discussion please. Model things accurately, fly what you want. Some of my most memorable sorties in 46 were from being the only “human” Zero. Good times.
  11. It’s the new standard essentially. One of the reasons the F-14 looked so nice from day 1.
  12. “Airfield junk” has always been sorely missing. Workstations, cranes, tractors, lifts, stripped aircraft, wreckers, etc etc.
  13. Those advocating "full size map at all costs" are (probably) not familiar with the intricacies/complexities of mission design, randomized logic, and what this would be as far as under the hood logic complexity in the game code. That said, it is possible. There must be a way for the mission logic to 'talk' to the "fast forward" functionality however so that even given a randomized encounter, the "warp" logic knows to disengage appropriately. You don't want a predictable "action point" that's always in a given place on the map. I disagree with some of the negative notions regarding a scaled map...it's entirely plausible without some of the problems brought up. More than doable. That said, I'm starting to come down on the side of a full sized map, with 'warp' functionality...however unlike some I also have more of a handle on exactly what that means for mission design and added complexity to the "skip to action" or skip to waypoint logic. This becomes especially problematic with any kind if generated mission. A 'hand crafted' mission can more easily account for this, where the mission designer can place "warp to" points custom placed given the individual mission design. All this is just talk of the somewhat distant future however...this will be quite a road I think.
  14. We don’t know yet how that initial release will be handled - but whatever the case, you have to think ‘big picture’ 🙂
  15. One possibility for initial release is 2 flyable aircraft, Zero and Wildcat, build support, and expand from there. We won't know for a while, and likely they're not sure yet either. I'd happily accept this as an initial release. Given the detail that is expected at this juncture in a simulated aircraft, I'm guessing (and it's just a guess) that we won't get a 4 aircraft initial release. This would push the release date back further, and revenue to bolster development is the goal. A Wildcat/Zero release would be a hit right out of the gate, both for what it actually is, and what it promises for follow-on development. Time will tell, but I'm betting this is what we'll see.
  16. It's not a mystery my dude...like Blitz just said. A very well known dynamic.
  17. I thought you'd never ask.
  18. Not really surprising at all though if you understand anything about the nature of the jungle. 🙂 Great little video Zacharias.
  19. Still the best sim we’ve had in some (very important) ways.
  20. That’s true until it isn’t anymore. It’s never been “no” technical data, but a question of enough technical data. Also depends on what aircraft we’re talking about. For instance, let us know what you dig up on the N1K that hasn’t already been dug up. 🙂
  21. I’m hoping that we get enhanced, 720 degree owl-head view.
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