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Everything posted by Gambit21

  1. You know I'm not talking about IL2 ....and no both of the things you describe are mission design considerations (assuming all is possible in the sim) which for instance in DCS I can script either one.
  2. We can discuss it elsewhere...it's just a matter of knowing how to use the waypoints. As you can probably guess I have just a bit of experience in this department. You can PM me at the other forum if you want advise on the IL2 editor.
  3. There’s no issues with vehicle pathing/waypoints FYI. Although I DCS does ‘snap’ a nice path indicator. 🙂
  4. Those are both mission design, not simulation design.
  5. Yes...and scales nicely when you get more ambitious, and a nice tool set of triggers conditions. You can't copy/paste logic however and there's no visual representation of your logic on the editor map...both huge weaknesses.
  6. Yep An FMB that scales is the key. Relatively simple to get into for a beginner, but with deep functionality for anyone who's capable of/has the desire to use it. The IL2 editor has qualities that I certainly would want to see again, as does the DCS editor. One key is a full set of triggers, some of which IL2 is sorely missing, (unit higher than/lower than) ability of non-related flights to follow/join up etc, and AI behavior/logic which functions alongside the editor functionality without constantly breaking. So a user can write a simple sentence, or combing many sentences and paragraphs into a short story or novel. A dead simple "anyone can use it with no effort" editor is not the answer...that would hurt the product in the long run. There has to be a balance.
  7. Guadalcanal...Richard B. Frank. Already mentioned...but this is THE PTO book...read it 3 times. You'll want Guadalcanal immediately. Fire in the Sky by Eric Bergerud Pacific Air by David Sears
  8. This is going to be a fun ride. Gambit21, AKA - “Warrant Officer Yamaha Kawasaki” will take to the skies once more.
  9. About time. My little salute image isn't showing up, so deleted it for now. Edit: There we go.
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