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Everything posted by Boom

  1. You really do capture the colouring realistically HB.
  2. Luv the torpedo development. Really keen on using it. Here's a video on the late model Mk.13, demonstrating dropping at high speed, high altitude.
  3. This VR thingie is a whole new world to me. Up to now I've been more than happy using TrackIR 5 in my sims, which gives an excellent lifelike look around ability without flicking switches on the joystick. What makes VR the seemingly 'go to' these days?
  4. EAW is one of my all time favourites. And I still fly it regularly.
  5. Same here. I've had mine for more than 20 years, and still going strong.
  6. Honestly, what I really want is a graphic, accurate, nail-biting campaign, that reflects the real actions it's portrayed. With highly detailed ground objects and targets (including ships). One that draws the player into and keeps you on your toes. Missions that can seem daunting, and can make you grip the stick hard in anticipation of things to come. Where losses amongst the AI - both enemy and own side - are true to the period in which it is set. Wide choice of aircraft, stunning aircraft detail, VR etc are 'nice to have', but not top of my list. IL-2 provides a glut of aircraft choices, MSFS, DCS et al does a wonderful job of detailed aircraft modelling and my TrackIR 5 headset lets me feel I'm actually in the cockpit. But you can count on one hand those sims over the years that have really mastered the art of the 'campaign'. Which to my mind is what creates the real treasure of the combat sim.
  7. Thanks for the heads-up DB. I particulary like the bit about increasing formation size. In B-17 The Mighty Eighth (which I still have on my computer, and fly) formation size was limited to six (6) aircraft. Which I found underwhelming. Didn't do a lot towards creating an atmosphere of menace.
  8. Boom

    top this!

    But how does it fly??? It'll never get off the ground. I don't see any propellers.
  9. The visuals in MSFS really are quite stunning. Some of those pics above are almost lifelike.
  10. Good heavens!! Why would anyone want to? It's a classic, and still great fun to fly.
  11. You're on fire HB. Keep 'em coming.
  12. Latest update. Looking very exciting. And great choice of aircraft.
  13. Cool vids Boba. I remember reading in Barrett Tillman's excellent book on the F4F Wildcat that pilots had to be very careful not to lose their grip on the handle when raising the gear after take-off. Seems the wind resistance on the legs was quite strong, and if the pilot let the handle slip from his grasp, the wind would quickly drag the gear down again. Invariably with the handle spinning madly and whacking the pilot in the hand or arm, with painful consequences.
  14. I thought it was one of the real drawbacks, thoroughly disliked by pilots. One reason, in the early days, why pilots liked the F2A so much, it had hydraulic gear.
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