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Menu Music

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I understand that it might not seem like a big deal to some, but personally, I believe it's important for Combat Pilot to have a memorable and unique soundtrack because it will help give the game its own identity.

Just take a look at a few games below with beautiful soundtracks.

These are just a few examples out of many other games (Halo, Call of Duty, etc).

Edited by Nickkyboy99
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I have an iPad and a portable soundbar for my ambience musical needs in a flight simulator.  I don’t expect this one to be like Skyrim or Kerbal.  Certainly a little Ready Room background music wouldn’t hurt obviously.  But in a sim like DCS, I turn all that stuff off completely.  I do think that for the offline Campaign player, good music can go a long way to establish a mood.

Edited by Sea Serpent
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I have all music on all flight sims turned to Off from the first settings. Most menu music is completely naff and repetetive, and I can't imagine why anyone would listen to music whilst flying a combat sim - we all cry and plead for more detail and realism but then go and add music to it ??? 🤔

So fine by me, have a good soundtrack with CP for the opening sequence, but don't waste too much time on it on my account as I shall still turn it off when I find the button. 


Edited by Chief_Mouser
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The Bell Inn, Bath. Live music venue and real ale pub (thebellinnbath.co.uk)

I am in the homepage picture... or I would be if they hadn't cropped off the bottom part of it. 🍻

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8 hours ago, Nickkyboy99 said:

it's important for Combat Pilot to have a memorable and unique soundtrack

Yes, I'd agree with that, however, the only one worth a hoot in the above videos is the Battlefield 1942... even though I have all the games above I could not remember any of the sound tracks, but when I got to the Battlefield 1942 video, I was already humming the track before I even played it. That is an indicator how good that track actually is, plus it instantly took me back to the time I was playing it avidly...

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8 hours ago, Chief_Mouser said:

I have all music on all flight sims turned to Off from the first settings. Most menu music is completely naff and repetetive, and I can't imagine why anyone would listen to music whilst flying a combat sim - we all cry and plead for more detail and realism but then go and add music to it ???

It is nice to have a pacific themed menu song as it helps set in the mood - for me at least. Squad 44 does it superb with its menu music where at the bottom you have the ability to change the song or adjust the volume. I like its soundtrack because it really sets the mood for late war Western Front action especially airborne operations


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I have o admit that I like menu music that covers briefing and mission planning etc. But not once I actually fire up my engine.

Wings Over Flanders Field has some wonderful scores, most haunting and atmospheric.

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  • 3 months later...

One soundtrack for main menu, one for entering a game or career mode, one for shot-down, and maybe one for death of a pilot. But you could always cut it simple as IL2:GB did with only one main menu soundtrack.

I've always wanted to compose soundtracks for games but I admittingly am not the most competent at it as the music I make tends to be rather unconventional with what I imagine, written composition, music generated output and performances all varying drastically from each other.

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