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MustangMike last won the day on January 17

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E-3 (3/30)

  • Bombardier - Week One Done Rare
  • Crew Chief - Conversation Starter
  • Radioman - One Month Later
  • Battery Commander - Reacting Well
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  1. Always impressed me what these older games were able to do with 90s era computers.. Lots of things that modern sims have forgotten! Big maps and grand battles, pilot careers and dynamic campaigns. They knew how to make up for deficiencies in things like graphics, complex flight, and damage models to still provide an immensely immersive experience. Hopefully one day we see a return to form of quality flight sims that also manage to be fun GAMES.
  2. I am cautiously optimistic.. although the "no timeline" part doesn't fill me with hope. My gaming time lately has been mostly devoted to Falcon BMS, so I'm not in a huge rush at this point.
  3. Obviously we shouldn't get too ahead of ourselves with Midway still quite a ways off, but I'm also VERY excited for a Guadalcanal campaign in a flight sim some day. Lots of cool scenery to fly over and lots of fun aircraft! I'd absolutely LOVE flying some of the Cactus Air Force P-39s/P-400s!
  4. Pretty graphics in tech demos are neat, but I'm more curious about the nuts and bolts of how the game will actually play! What kind of support does UE5 have for complex AI, and how many can it support? What about interfaces for complex dynamic campaigns? And also how much of this stuff needs to be designed in-house vs things that are already "built in" to the engine (or can be implemented quickly via addons, I suppose is the better way to phrase it) Either way, I think using an engine like this potentially opens up a lot of cool doors for things that we haven't seen in a flight sim before! And with Jason at the helm I'm pretty optimistic that it'll turn into something real eventually. Looking forward to it!
  5. I think taking the time and money to develop trainer aircraft is a huge waste of resources and totally unnecessary in a videogame where there is zero risk of actual death. Hop in the plane you want to fly and restart if you crash it.
  6. I love flying floatplanes in MSFS, so I'm all for seeing them in Combat Pilot! The Kingfisher and Catalina would both be a TON of fun, and would have some pretty unique missions!
  7. Almost all of my flight time lately has still been in BMS. Still not much of a looker (and VR screenshots don't help either) but when you're flying around in that truly alive, dynamic battlefield at 20,000ft focusing on your jet and its systems, you don't notice some terrain tiles! Besides, if pretty graphics are all you care about, go play Call of Duty like the other kids 😝
  8. Hell yeah! Its starting to look real now.. Hard not to get excited!! Wondering about all the cool things this game will be able to do with Unreal that other sim's can't with their in-house engines.
  9. People been asking these questions for how many months now, and the english speaking community has to hear it second-hand from some Russian podcast? No other announcements? Come on guys, I know you can do PR better than that... Good to know GB will be backwards compatible at least I suppose.
  10. Hopefully we get a system for automatically assigning numbers and serials to aircraft, Heck, I'd consider that almost mandatory for a new game, and I'm surprised that some other sims didn't have that feature until quite recently.. In terms of more "wishlisty" things, I quite enjoyed IL-2 1946's style of applying nose art, would love something like that in a modern sim! And of course, custom cockpit photos are lots of fun and I enjoy it in all the games that have them.
  11. I'm excited for this one for sure, but for how long its been in development, I was hoping they'd have a bit more than just a jeep ride... Think this one is still a long way out. Gonna be really cool though to crew up with some buddies!
  12. Goin F-16 every time, no contest
  13. the A-4 is a really fun little plane. Super simple to operate, agile little thing with quite a bit of versatility. You can even do carrier ops! Really hard to go wrong considering its a free mod. If only it were just a tad faster, it'd be unstoppable! hahaha.
  14. Agreed, plenty of old 20+ year old games still have dedicated player bases thanks to mods breathing fresh life into them long after their time. Look at Falcon BMS, Richard Burns Rally and plenty of other games.
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