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IckyAtlas last won the day on April 25

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  1. Just a question that is very important for me. Do you plan to release a full mission editor?
  2. Excellent announcement. You have my full support, that is the support of an Ace!
  3. I am scratching my head. Are these 5090 real. Does NVIDIA really want to sell them to us gamers. Not sure. The GPU of the 5090 has a lot of problems in manufacturing and yields seem very bad due to an organic substrate they use for cost reasons. NVIDIA reached a kind of limit here. New technology needed maybe like glass substrate or so. Low yields will result in very high prices. For those that have deep pockets and plan to buy I would recommend waiting to see all kind of issues that will pop up with the first series out.
  4. I am at present in Tokyo Japan, and Tokyo Rose did not announce yet anything. I have also to consider the time zone and the day date line in the middle of the pacific when considering Las Vegas time. In short I am a little Lost in Translation. Anyway frantically turning the big knob on my short wave receiver trying to tune on Honolulu radio.
  5. But before late war, we have to have the earlier Guadalcanal campaign. That one is a must, a dream. Henderson airfield, the Cactus AIrforce, Tulagi, Savo Island naval battle, the Tokyo Express and so many many goodies for mission developers etc. I made many many missions and videos when pacific fighters came out, I hope to be able now to make them with Unreal 5 visual quality. Truly tropical looking vegetations and forests, realistic shores and sea water, skies, visual effects you name it. It will be WoW. But I am patient, first we must start somewhere a little less complex, but all what will be done in the first campaign will be the test bench to move forward.
  6. The last Japanese pilot from Pearl harbor and that survived WWII that I know died in 2016 and was Kaname Harada. I found an excerpt from the Internet but no source, that said Masamitsu Yoshioka died in 2020. All this seems opaque. The link on Japan Forward okay but how reliable is this I do not know. There are so many news websites and youtube channels that announce bullshit to get baits, likes etc. that it is very difficult sometimes to assess what is true and what isn't. Nowadays getting reliable stuff is a real challenge. We drown in bullshit.
  7. Jason that's AWESOME. The sea rendering is perfect, as well as the textures for ships and planes (WIP I know). I hope that all the guns ground or on ships will be manned and not kind of robotic controlled. Regarding the waves I hope that there is some coordination between wind direction and waves. Interaction between ships and waves at different distance should scale proportionally so that we do not have these ships floating over waves visual effect. On the ships flags should flutter in the wind. I am sure that all this is now becoming the basics. It is just GB frustration at this point. Jason, at this point the only vote that really counts is the one from the wallet: where should I send my 150 bucks (100 originally but we have to consider inflation) for even a very primitive EA?
  8. This picture says it all. Now replicate this same picture, across the US for P47, P51, B17, Corsair, B29, P40, P39, B24, B25 and many other models and then do the same for shipyards that produced at high rate ships like destroyers, carriers ,cargo liberty ships, cruisers, battleships and then ground vehicle factories that spitted tanks, and ground vehicles of all kind. That's not all, because without motivated and trained personnel you do nothing, and there were many. The military had a very well organized training and rotation system, and above all a culture that values human life and limit casualties as much as possible, and whatever happens never abandon or let down its soldiers, pilots, seamen. This does not mean that it was always perfect but compared to the Soviet Union or Japan that had a culture totally opposite where the human life was valued at near zero. The US had the fantastic luck that with the technologies of the time it was too far from the various theaters of war to have been hit directly and so it became an invincible beast.
  9. About 65 million dollars worth of airplanes in todays collector money. But back in 1944 then maybe only 580'000 US$.
  10. Kiss me baby 🙂
  11. Ah the Comet and other planes may not completely agree. There is a big difference about what the status was in the twenties and thirties (of the last century 🙂 ) and what we can do today in terms of design of an airplane. Probably flying an airliner of today in a Sim like MFS is much more "near" to a real experience that it was flying a Mig 3. Wartime production was such that every plane could be different. The airliners built by airbus (Boeing will miss some parts here and there) will definitively be the same out of the line (except, colors and internal furniture). In the US wartime mass production was indeed more reliable as the production processes were already very well experienced, but there too there have been multiple changes on everything, engine, airframe etc. All this does make it not easy to make this comparison.
  12. Those still having the chance to fly these collector planes are really not many and not young. They are probably not much interested into the sim flying comparison, which may be too far from their experience. And they fly those collector very expensive planes with great care, for short demo flights, which is completely different of real combat flying were you would fly for hours, pull g's as much as you can, push the engine above limits, do wild maneuvers etc. etc. These collector planes are much lighter that when they flew in combat with all the guns and ammo, rockets, plus maybe bombs and additional drop tanks. The wing loading was much higher which impacts the performance and plane handling, and you had the added drag of all that external stuff. Again very difficult to compare. In Reno air races they push the engines and the planes to the limits, true, but these engines are very reworked to pull much more power, and the airframes and wings have often been modified to gain speed, so it is difficult to compare. I did visit a few of these planes and discussed with some pilots in the golden unlimited, not younger than me, and not many anymore. It's a passion but keeping their old fighter planes in flying order is so expensive and finding the money becomes an issue. Many stopped altogether racing. The evolution of regulations and constraints do not help as with each accident things become more complicated. The real test would be to have WWII fighter pilots making the comparison, but these original pilots are nearly not existent or are 100 or more years old. This kind of test was maybe possible 30 years ago but now that's over. The only thing we have are technical information, and specs, which means flying by the numbers. If the model matches all the information we have (values, diagrams, curves etc.) then we may say the flight model is ok, but comparing with the real thing will remain elusive. This will give us the possibility to speculate, discuss, and finally have a good time for ever in the future as there will never be a definitive answer.
  13. This I WANT! I made videos at the time of Pacific Fighters. I am ready to start again. Let them come!
  14. We should have a pilot with experience on a real P40, and then flying all these different P40 sim versions to see what his opinion is. And it will be difficult for him to have a good judgement as the conditions of the sim version are so sensorily limited, flat visuals, and just sound. VR could help for the visual immersions but I am not sure all sims allow for VR, and finally a 6 axis stand would add to the physical stimulation, but again probably none allow for such an interface.
  15. Thanks Mysticpuma. I understand you solved the issue going through Flickr. But I use OneDrive from Micrososft and I do not see why it should not work. I have no intention to start with Flickr. It is up to the devs to solve this issue, so that we can put a link from various servers, and the Microsoft one is a secure and reliable one.
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