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Bomber pilot, a user's guide

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I wish I could regale everyone with tales of daring do and my amazing exploits as a predominantly bomber/ground attack pilot, flying online in that relatively well known other WWII Flight sim. The main experience I always fondly embraced was getting shot down a lot! Some excitement was generated when we had to weave about a bit and that would normally happen just before being shot down. The one thing that was amazing though, flying in the other sim "in the early days" was the amazing fun and camaraderie that one can find flying in a group and being able to shoot the breeze (before being shot down!) on those long bomber flights. Is sad to say that I think my flying days over at the other sim are coming to an end. Onwards and upwards for Combat Pilot I say. One thing I'm hoping for from CP is some love and attention towards bombers/attacker etc. I'm certain looking forward to the day we can do torpedo runs and dive bombing attacks on capital ships. I'm also looking forward to the being shot down weaving about and hopefully the camaraderie of flying in a group and having fun once again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Since OC's original post, have been thinking about bomber/attack missions a lot.  And having just read three superb books on the subject I'm really keen to fly both the A-20 and B-25 in missions over New Guinea, the Solomons and the Philippines.

If anyone wants to whet their appetite on what it was like to fly a ground level in a strafer there are three excellent books, namely:

Wreaking Havoc, by Joseph Rutter. Covers a year of flying the A-20 with the 312th Bomb Group over New Guinea and the Philippines.
Air Combat at 20 Feet, by Garrett Middlebrook. Very gritty book. Covers 15 months flying the B-25 with the 405th BS, 38th BG in New Guinea.
The Grim Reapers, by John Henebry. Flew both the A-20 and the B-25 in missions over New Guinea, the Solomons and the Philippines.

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  • 1 month later...

Had two fun fligts using JU88 C6 in GB with mates in a low populated server attacking ships. 
heavy aa and damaged the planes severely. But funny enough unlike if attacked by fighters we manage to emergency land. 
All I ask is a fair chance to fly a damage bomber and not disintegrate to powder every time I get attacked

Edited by Lusekofte
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  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't been playing "the other sim" much at all since Jason left. Maybe it's a bit in protest. I've been spending my time on other flight sims.

In 1946 I've really been enjoying the Dauntless SBD & B5N "Kate" while attacking carriers. It's getting me excited about this sim.

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On 10/5/2023 at 3:37 AM, Feldgrün said:

I haven't been playing "the other sim" much at all since Jason left. Maybe it's a bit in protest. I've been spending my time on other flight sims.

In 1946 I've really been enjoying the Dauntless SBD & B5N "Kate" while attacking carriers. It's getting me excited about this sim.

It's really sad to say the "the other" sim IMO is a shadow of it's former self in so many ways and I haven't been on the forum or flown at all for several months now and what is even sadder is I'm not missing it. Having said that, I genuinely hope that Combat Pilot will excel and surpass what "the other sim" was doing back in the day. I've said it before but I'm really excited to see where combat pilot goes, particularly in terms of it's flight model and the damage model and the PTO is such an amazing setting to fly some iconic aircraft in. I wish Jason and team every success.   

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5 hours ago, Leifr said:

I believe the prospect of a clean slate is the most exciting aspect of Combat Pilot at this moment, Jason and his team have everything to go for and I hope they can achieve their vision!

Absolutely Leifr, I really haven't been this excited for a project in a very long time and due to the fact I'm an old git it takes a lot to excite me  :classic_biggrin:


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  • 7 months later...

Sorry for the necro. Some of the best simming memories I have are bomber flights. CloD and SOW were highlights were I often ended up nursing a crippled JU88 back to france after a recon mission. Also had a lot of good memories of flying with 110s and 88s with SCG and the late and much missed Cor Zero. 

Like most here Im reallty eaxcited by CB and what Im seeing. High hopes.  

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