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Il2 Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Tobruk - News and updates

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14 hours ago, Feldgrün said:

I'm all for being patient, but it seems like the focus of the team is creating more planes & maps, not fixing the AI & UI issues which, in my opinion, are the real problems with the game.

Thats more down to the team make up than an executive descision. There are more people in TFS who can make maps and models than there are coders. Without the offer of salaries its a case of go with what you got I suppose. 

The current slow flurry of updates appear to be more about filling the void in the absence of any good news on the VU/VR front. 

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6 hours ago, Boo said:

Thats more down to the team make up than an executive descision. There are more people in TFS who can make maps and models than there are coders. Without the offer of salaries its a case of go with what you got I suppose. 

No no, go to any game forum, anything you dislike about a game is a purposeful malice-ridden decision out of spite and disdain for the player base, or the developers are so incompetent that you could personally rewrite the entire game in 2 days to a higher standard. If thing 1 is not to your liking ALL work must stop in all areas until that 1 thing is sorted out even if that means you have 100+ people staring at their screens because that one thing is out of their wheelhouse.  /sarcasm 

Seriously though, you are correct, and it is amazing how many people seem not to realize how compartmentalized the teams that make games are. Even those writing the code are often different teams one to write the base engine, one to write the flight model, and one to code the UI (that is often separate from the team that designs the UI), one to code the AI, etc.  



Edited by Skelthos
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  • 5 weeks later...

Apparently there is a new VR beta out that TFS are keen for their VR Beta testers to try and give feedback on. It is rumoured to have crushed ONE of the major VR bugz (presumably the one that stopped it working after a few minutes). 

I mention it here in case there are any stragglers who may, at some, point, have signed up in the past 4 years, to be one of the said "few" but have since forgot or lost hope. 

If you are one of those "lucky" people, for the love of all things holy, give the new VR beta  a go as the rest of us are growing old waiting for the visual update that is currently being held to ransom by it. 

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