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Everything posted by IckyAtlas

  1. I am impressed at the work at this point and its pace. Time is money so the shorter the dev cycle before some paid release and the better you are financially. If someone can succeed in this challenge of building a new sim and a new talented dev team (example Car) from scratch, and that's Jason. he has an immense experience and so as long as the cash burn rate is compatible with investors I am confident he can succeed. I am sure he will avoid the typical death trap of game developers, like the one Oleg Maddox fell in with COD. Long live Combat Pilot.
  2. Excellent. Finally torpedoes. Now we need the planes to launch them 🙂 Thumbs up to the new dev team.
  3. I dream of long flights over the pacific where you may feel lost I(night flight) , risk ditching in the middle of the ocean and be either saved by a Catalina, after floating in your dinghy for long hours or just be eaten by shark , or landing or ditching nearby an inhabited atoll and be rescued by a submarine passing by, not finding the carrier, etc. etc a lot of very stressing situations when flying over the unforgiving vastness of the pacific ocean. At that time there was no GPS radio was primitive etc. etc. Navigation errors did happen. If you make a two degree error, over 1'000 miles you may miss your target by 35 miles.
  4. This was the first angular stone on which all will be built upon. An historical moment. And the Zeke is indeed the symbol. Excellent start. All my blessings to the dev team. You are condemned to succeed. Go Go Go
  5. That was indeed a DD. A few lines every week are always welcome. Images, roadmap etc. will come later, we know that. Thanks Jason and the new dev team.
  6. It is very very attractive. We probably need a RTX 6090 coupled with a 15th Gen 15900KS CPU to have all this in full 4K at 120 FPS.
  7. Started some tests to compare my new rig with the old one, that will be replaced once all my software and applications, data etc. will be migrated. But this will take sometime. We compare a Old (11900K + 3090) against a New (13900KS + 4090). I used exactly the same configuration of Nvidia Drivers and IL2 game settings which are ULTRA and maxed. Display is full 4K. Antialiasing is MSAA set at x4. Vsync is off. I use the equivalent one but implemented on the Nvidia drivers that is a Rapid mode that is a little bit of both worlds. It avoids the tearing and avoids a fixed synced frequency. Both system run with stock Motherboard Bios CPU and Memory settings. Both have Asus motherboards. The old system is DDR4 the new has DDR5 and both have 128GB. In the past I used to do a lot of tweaking in my systems, it was fun but in the end I stopped that as system stability is very important for me. And now the CPU's with so many cores of different types, where you can basically design the core distribution to have an optimal performance in addition to all the clocks etc. It's becoming a little too much. And the CPU is powerful enough without overclocking, which comes at an incredible power consumption level. So both CPU's run at stock frequency settings. You will see below that stock is good enough. I must also say that my new rig is very very quiet from the noise perspective compared to the old one. The 3090 was noisier when pushed hard the 4090 is much much better. I use some of my missions where there is a lot going on with smoke, explosions, planes, tanks in the same scene as you are in your cockpit on the runway and all this happens around. There is also a very large number of objects that populate the airfield and the map around. The Old system manages around 70-95 FPS as measured with the backspace key in the top right corner of the display. The New system pushes around 120-123 FPS. When comparing the difference is a solid 30 FPS difference which means at least 30% improvement. We now that IL2 is CPU bounded so I tried my multiple bomber plane mission with about 110 bombers just flying on an empty map. I fly a C47 and am in the cockpit. The 110 bombers all B25, are dispersed on a very large area on the Veliki Luki, a small and empty map, and so I do not see them all just some from the planes cockpit window. Here I measure two elements FPS but also Time Dilation. So the Old system manages 120 FPS with the 110 bombers or without. The time dilation is 105%. This means 1 game minute which is 1 real minute without bombers becomes 2 real minutes and 4 seconds with bombers. The new system manages also 120 FPS when looking outside from the cockpit as for the old system. Strange will you say. I did also look at the frame rate when outside of the cockpit with the C47 in full sight looking level so that you have also the ground map and sky in view. And here there is a big difference. The Old system remains still at 120 max and will not move, whereas the New system pushed up to 180 FPS. A big difference here. It seems that the cockpit environment which is cluttered with instruments may be limiting factor. I changed plane, and put up a fighter with open simple cockpit the I16. No difference for the Old system that stay around 120 FPS, in and out. The New one however goes to 180 and even spikes up to 230 when having the fighter in front of the sun. So I do not know how to explain. What about time dilation? Well the new system is much better and the time dilation is 50%. This means that 1 game minute becomes 1 minute and 30 seconds. A nice improvement purely on CPU + Ram performance. This means that you have more headroom adding planes before time dilation becomes a problem.
  8. I think this a very valid argument. I was absolutely surprised about that. He should have wear it and in real-time displayed what he sees on a screen. This means having the whole auditorium visible as a background and then maybe switch to the surface of the moon etc. He could have done some incredible on the scene display of this technology. But it was only a description on a big screen. Very very bad. The message is : this is for you. But I (Tim cook) will never wear such a ridiculous contraption.
  9. This is an non issue for us. When you are seated in your cockpit, you do not move around. You can connect to a permanent power source, this will be no problem. What I find interesting is that these glasses have lidar that will map the environment and insert a digital 3d recreation inside your view. This means that you can have your hands with gloves or whatever mapped inside your environment. When you move your hands you will see this in your view, and as you move the throttle and stick you will be able to see this in real-time. It is your hands motion that you see and not an artificial simulation. It opens an incredible world of possibilities towards the simulated hands on cockpit where you can press buttons and move switches of your cockpit with your hands like in the real cockpit. You will not have backpressure and feeling of the switch, but this is already a major step in realism. In the future with special haptic gloves connected to the glasses you will have the ultimate simulator.
  10. The new Apple headset for Augmented Reality seems impressive, really impressive and very expensive. Very expensive but it opens a new way of using our laptop or PC. They seem to have packed a very powerful PC CPU-GPU equivalent power into the googles. If true you can basically get rid of it for a lot of stuff that is around you, so the price is to be compared to a very powerful PC + Top quality Oled Screen that you do not need anymore. On this point it can be game changing for home computing. This could also be a tablet killer when referring to personal use. Instead of moving around the tablet you move around your googles. Until I can try one I will not say more as the specs are just out of this world. The googles run a new special full Apple OS version for Visual Computing. For us the question is what is there here for gamers. In short nothing for the following reasons: Gamers are on PC or consoles like PS5 and not on MAC. These googles are for the MAC world. The only demos I have seen are AR related. Nothing has been shown for VR applications. I am sure that VR is possible because the technology is there and has all the required specs for tremendous VR performance. There are in short nearly no games made for the MAC world, and these googles will need that games be designed to be compatible with them. No gaming company will bother to release a version for the special Visual Computing OS. Exception made if this becomes such a tremendous success that will uplift the entire VR gaming world that will make it a must for everyone like the smartphones have become. Only time will tell, but first the price has to go down to max 500 US$ which is the price for a good smartphone. The googles are stand alone, so this means you do not need a MAC to use them. They are already a full very powerful MAC. Now the bad news. Whatever the incredible specs that may have you drooling, it is still a headset. This means big large googles that you must wear on your head with a band around your head. This means that the experience will be very personal and different for any of us. THis is not made for die-hard gamers but for the general public and here there are some of the issues: What about those who have eyesight problems. What about the neck fatigue issues. Our body has neck muscles adapted to our head weight and balance. How long can you wear such a thing that whatever you do will have a certain weight and will be front heavy, so you will need to compensate. You can work for hours on a PC, watch TV for hours too, no problem. But wearing such an object on your head, how long can you bear it. Maybe you will have to lie on your back for long sessions. And then what about perspiration, heat dissipation etc. For some of us it could become quickly unbearable. The band behind the head. Some will be allergic to skin contact of these synthetic materials when it is for long term. And in summer heat it can turn quickly unbearable. As a conclusion I applaud what apple did. An absolutely impressive product. Will it succeed ? The jury is out.
  11. Most probably true, but it is a wishlist thread here so just for the record 🙂
  12. One way to speed the editing and creation process is to be able to run the Editor in a window and the Game in the other. The loading time of the IL2 sim is now is very long and so it becomes very boring and lengthy to do the testing. The modification-run cycle has become very slow. This was not really possible in IL2 (possible but with complications) and so I hope that it will be implemented in Combat Pilot from start as a standard feature. The editor could also be sold separately so that it will have to be supported and maintained (updated regularly).
  13. First DD is just fundamental. It's structure, its tone, what kind of info you communicate: initial content? timeline? roadmap? actual WIP? text only? already WIP pictures? etc. etc. You can raise a lot of hopes and enthusiasm (beware of the similarly high delusion in case you do not make it up to what is expected) or you can make it flat and dull which may also cool the present red hot enthusiasm. So Jason take your time, we are not in a hurry. There is only one first DD and you must not fail it 🙏
  14. I must admit I am afraid to be disappointed. Time will tell.
  15. I love this demo because you have this seamless visual from over the water to under the water. This allows in the game for us to put cameras underwater and visualize the submarines, or the torpedoes as they run and when they impact the ships. You could also have the bullets bubble trace in the water when a plane is firing against a sub at periscope level. This would be awesome to have.
  16. Kintaro you forgot one pacific theater sim that was for me an important one: Hellcats over the Pacific created by Parsoft and released by Graphic Simulations. They also made an excellent FA18 Hornet sim. It was on Macintosh and released 1991 or 32 years ago. Yes at that time I had both worlds. And I had a mathematical coprocessor board in the Macintosh to speed up calculations. However it was the first sim that appeared to me completely fluid high frame rate with no stutter at all. Compared to the others at that time even if graphics where extremely crude by today standards, it was a very nice look and feel when the plane reacted immediately and seamlessly to the Josytick motion. The others I had on PC's were absolutely not at a similar stage.
  17. Yes and no. When you have the sea state at 6, which is big waves and you look at the ships from average distance and from say the beach or low altitude, they seem to jump in the air on top of the waves. It is really a very bad visual effect. There is also the fact that only a circle of a maybe 300 to 500 meters radius or so is animated with big waves, and not the rest, which makes it weird again at low altitude because at a distance the ship seems in a calm sea.
  18. With an 8K 65" monitor it should be visible from quite some distance. We need an RTX 6090 with 64GB DDR7 memory. Just a matter of time, three to four years.
  19. I took the sun visor out. Very high in the Alps, and very cold. You could easily have -25 -30 Celsius, but very dry air so you feel it less. That was some 20 years (already, time flies) ago when I did my Glacier license training. This is the real thing. Flying with just a few instruments Oil temp, RPM, Speed, Fuel. Yes there was an altimeter but in reality it is not so useful as you fly "inside" the terrain, that is around you. No autopilot, no GPS, only visual flying. And nobody there. Complete silence only the ice cracking sound sometimes. Just ice, snow, rocks, a mineral beauty and the deep blue sky above. Like being on another planet. A lot of good memories, like pumping manually to bring the skis down or up, a little like the manual gear up and down of the I16.
  20. Whatever the number of polys, as long as I can see the white of their eyes from my cockpit it is fine 😁 You will all make fun of me again, but that's allright, a little bit provocative why not. I posted long ago that the humans (not all) but pilots or those beside you when you drive a vehicle, should have their eyeballs moving. This is what makes an inanimate object becoming alive. I still believe that it would be incredibly "eye catcher". I am not sure this would eat too many resources. And eyes would be animated only at max LOD.
  21. I perfectly understand your request, but it seems to me a little in contradiction with the request for a VR sim and many hundred planes in the sky. I am not an expert but VR implies that the PC must generate twice more frames as you need one for each eye. So this means that you have already a top performer and no regular PC. Now a realistic flight sim is one of the applications that inevitably is very power hungry. If you add hundred of planes in the sky then your request is a kind of squaring the circle problem. The sim most probably will have all the parameter setting to have it playable on an average PC. But when developing such a sim on the long term, you have to consider that the hardware improves over time and so you have already to plan for it. SO the general approach would be to go for the max and then allow to tone down. Even for you this is the right approach. Inevitably a few years from now you may change system and it will be more powerful. So you will be happy to have a sim that can use that extra power.
  22. Welcome! Greetings! I feel more secure now with two guardians of the sky. I hope you have received the big RED button 😄
  23. Late to the show. Everybody is already here. Anyway happy to see ya all. It will be a new long adventure in the dark night before the sun will rise in its full glory over the pacific.
  24. I have not invested in additional gear with my new rig, as I will reuse my old faithful Thrustmaster Warthog Hotas with the TPR Rudder system. I also have already the Opentrack wireless system that I keep. These are sure good quality stuff. My hands are itching to buy a VR system but still not convinced, or put it in another way, I am afraid to be disappointed.
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