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  1. The US Navy wrote combat narratives during WW2 for a bunch of the major naval engagements. These were originally confidential and published for naval officers. They can be a little inaccurate as they don't have the same resources a post-war narrative would have. https://www.history.navy.mil/research/publications/publications-by-subject/wwii-oni-combat-narratives.html
  2. Museum libraries and archives are very helpful when it comes to this research, in my experience. They've got a whole process on getting the rights requests, reproductions, & fees. These museums have specific research departments to help with this kind of stuff: Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum: https://airandspace.si.edu/archives National Naval Aviation Museum: https://www.navalaviationmuseum.org/emil-buehler-library/ National Museum of the United States Air Force: https://www.nationalmuseum.af.mil/Collections/Research/ National Archives: https://catalog.archives.gov/ (not strictly aviation and might not be as useful)
  3. Does anybody have a good source for the ww2 carrier landing pattern? Did they have an earlier version of the marshal stack/case 1 recovery pattern? Any thoughts on what the radio procedures, light or flag signals would be? The best I've found so far online is this image.
  4. I like the feature in DCS when you push the joystick button, it hops to the keybind in the menu. That way you can quickly check your keybinds if it's been a while or you've been playing some other sims.
  5. Hi everybody, Looking forward to this! Been a fan of flight sims and the Pacific Theater since Aces of the Pacific. I'm glad I saw the Stormbirds blog on Reddit. Best of luck!
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