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American Ships


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Dear Pilots,

Feel free to share any information, resources or references about American ships that fought in the Pacific Theater 1941-1945. We have good references, but can always use more. We hope to create many big beautiful warships.

Thanks in advance!

The Combat Pilot Team

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EDIT: Just noticed today on the Discord that Stefan is part of the CP team, so you probably have these! 😄

Already mentioned the series "The Anatomy of the Ship" from Stefan Dramiński (Osprey Publishing) over in the 'Japanese Ships' section, but there's also two books related to American ships.

Pretty much the same content inside these books (technical info, historical background and plenty of diagrams and drawings). Could be useful if someone wanted to recreate these ships in-game.

Edited by Aruberikku
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  • 3 months later...

Well, you might need a submarine or two for pilot rescue missions at some point, so here are some pics of the USS Silversides, which was the 3rd highest scoring America sub of WWII. She is moored in Muskegon, so I can access her fairly easily, should you want any particular picture or dimension. Close up pics are easy to get there. 





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