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Everything posted by Skelthos

  1. Do not have a FFB joystick, so cannot verify, but I know on some other sites like the MSFS forums some users have reported that XP Force will get FFB work on Windows 11, at least in some flight sims.
  2. Although i would love to eventually see as many planes as possible, I do not think I would read to much into concept art. Decent chance the artist may have used creative license on parts or all of it.
  3. I am going late 2024 early 2025 before we see even a working demo shown. I get the impression they are very early days right now.
  4. This would be huge, I can get engine and guns and impacts through my shaker setup, but flak bursts are non existent. It would be great if those where included in the telemetry data. AMEN!
  5. Absolutely looking forward to these along with a myriad of other planes!
  6. I do not think this is entirely fair, I do not use it myself, but I do know some people with physical limitations that use it because they physically cannot turn their head even as far most people can. I do support some version of it for those people, but think it should be limited to what a real pilot could have reasonably been able to see turning in their seats.
  7. Unless they go with an always online model with robust servers in the background running the AI. AI will be limited to what can reasonably run on the average players computer without causing game play issues. Like I am sure most I hope for better AI than what we have had before, but realize that there are a lot of considerations before they can really comment on it.
  8. Clickable cockpits would be awesome but also something I think I could personally live without if it took resources from say AI or other critical system.
  9. DCS relies to much on 3rd party developers you are likely looking at the announced WW II version of the Marianas map and what ever planes other developers have announced for the next few years. I doubt that this announcement will spur them to create content any faster. There will always be some that prefer one over the other. I think you will see people looking for a good Pacific Theatre sim flock here as well as people who have been fans of BoX and Rise of Flight and are familiar with Jason's work . Those heavily invested in DCS will likely stay with that platform. Fully agree with this I think CP will definitely have a more robust and complete campaign system, as well as plane sets and other assets.
  10. The Pearl Harbor scenario on one hand would be cool, on the other it was extremely one sided, you either completely dominate as the Japanese or hope you survive and shoot down a couple planes as the U.S. Starting with more equal battle is definitely the correct call, although I would love to ultimately see all the major battles covered from Pearl Harbor to the end of the war.
  11. I second this, per plane with a curated list that only shows the controls available for that specific plane.
  12. Like I am sure many here I have been eagerly awaiting news of your next project. Going to the Pacific is beyond what I hoped for! Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
  13. Glad to see VR being thought about from the beginning, and not added later as an after thought.
  14. Very excited to see this announcement, looking forward to the Pacific!
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