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  1. Same. That's really for support, I can't stand eastern front any more after 20 years of IL2 series. Any plan for a Pacific DLC ? 😉
  2. Raise the barrier half deck when a player spawns just forward of it when ready for take off ? Delay the spawn if a player just hooked a cable, let him reach zero speed and get pulled back by cable and then despawn just landed aircraft, allow ready aircraft spawn.
  3. 😉 A less expensive (than the full BF3 sequence) but still quite immersive way would be to have images on the loading screen, when you hit "fly" (à la falcon for those who remember), could be cartoons if actual pictures are lacking. They'd first show pilots exiting the ready room , then climbing stairs, then reaching the catwalk, and finally climbing onboard their plane. When the loading screen is over, player is in the cockpit. If the one with pilot climbing into the cockpit is synced to which aircraft the player lected to fly, that's perfect. If someone who reads this has Jason's attention, maybe make this proposition ?
  4. Pilots didn't climb into their aircraft in the hangar, they did it on deck. Elevator animations are nice to watch, but on straight carriers, they don't occur at the same time as take offs and recoveries. AFAIK, pilots are not to go into hangars or elevators, bar the one who is magaing the repair crews (in modern Navy, I don't know if they already had a pilot doing this during WW2). What could be immersive would be get out of the ready room into stairs, catwalk, deck and then cockpit, but that's a lot of work for a feature many would skip quick.
  5. There is a LSO mod for IL2 46, one can see the flags from far enough, with the correct pattern. Since it's animated but not IA, it doesn't give any useful indication, but it really adds omething visually.
  6. You need a to loosen your shoulder and neck stiffness 😉
  7. I and many were pretty confident you would pull such a move (maybe even more confident than yourself 😁), so we were ready 😎
  8. Please do it while stationnary 😅 . I do it in my car everytime I need to park in reverse gear. It works perfectly well. I'm pretty confident I wouldn't be able to do so while pulling more than 2Gs, though. Maybe 3Gs, with training ?
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