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Everything posted by Ribbon

  1. I guess we have different gameplay preferences, which is normal....i like navigation challenge, for me that is part of flying especially when you're short on fuel. But i dont aim to spend 3h flying without action nor have that much free time (my work day is 8-12h plus social life, mtb, gf etc....i barely boot my pc twice a week. Thats why im in favor of scaled down maps, time compression or just mission design to place fleets closer than it was IRL so navigation challenge will remain. But what ever will be its fine imo, as long we get PTO
  2. Scaled down map size-YES Time compression-YES Waypoint warp-NO (would be immersion and navigation breaker for me) Im fine with scaled down map size (sea mass), while islands/land mass to be 1:1 if possible......my flight time limit to objective would be 1h.
  3. Thats it, to drag ppl into it and to do that start using editor needs to be somewhat fun not repulsive. The more ppl use editor there will be more content with differend mission design and imagination, if u have only few dragged into it, no matter how experienced with editor they are if they lack mission design imagination you'll again end up with "limited" content. It can backfire two ways.
  4. Wider/better range of render bubble than il2. Less TD. More units per scenery (ac, flak).
  5. I did bring valid arguments, and your arguments were about game u even didnt tried let alone its editor. Why i replied.....cos u two guys seems want to keep messy UI keeping other from using it, as u posted in post before....to keep and filter only "quality" content available online, ....that is quite selfish. And yes no point discussing further, have a nice day/evening 🍻
  6. Nope, messy UI is messy UI, doesnt have anything with complexity, well organized editor can have endless tools/complexity yet be well organized with good UI. I dont see point discussing further since you wont give up cos it is your personal work/hobby involved...hence being touchy about it
  7. What has game genre has to do with m.editor, its a milsim sandbox with playable planes, helis, tanks, boats and infantry with quite similar ME functions and logic...as u said u didnt tried game let alone editor so how can you know is it relevant or not. One thing you are right, they have the budget. You guys are a bit touchy about it, there are other who would like to use editor with better organized UI...
  8. Did you research all the fields in for example trigger, you know you can insert game base codes in its condition/activation/on deactivation...timers, effects, transformation...basically coding the editor. You can do that (insert code and values) for most of the editor functions which makes it way more complex than it seems on first sight. But since im not familiar with il2 and dcs editors i just reffer to results(campaigns and missions) and Arma ones seems way more complex and higher level than il2/dcs, offering a lot more gameplay variety plus animations....maybe cos of content and gamestyle, or mission style idk. To repeat myself, dont take any of this as offense, i like your a20 campaign.😉 And to my initial post, to make editor UI friendly for beginners and yet powerful enough for advanced users...and make it in 3d interaction within/inside game so u can easily and faster test it.
  9. Did u ever use Arma3 eden editor in depth or even played campaigns from community? Seems not, cos they are way above anything dcs and il2 ever offered in complexity, maybe cos of gameplay type but that says it all....from scripting animations to everything else.... I opened il2BG editor and started, whem seen the mess of UI i didnt want to bother further so i can not say how complex it is other than from missions u guys created and sorry, no offense but those are not on the arma level of complexity and gameplay. Results are what matters!
  10. Did u ever tried any other mission editors beside old il2, il2GB and dcs? Why does it have to be one way or the other, why cant it be all in one or brand new improved design..... that is just narrow thinking. In Arma3 editor u can make simple mission in 20 seconds as beginner and hit play, or u can do more complex missions and campaigns than il2 or dcs ever had with the same editor inside the game....editor with good UI.
  11. 3D editor like arma with user friendly UI, where u drop the unit/object and ajust its values, same with waypoints, triggers, sync between them. Organized and user friendly UI with ability to use editor inside game and test missions without starting game every time. Here's an example, beginner friendly yet very powerful for advanced users.
  12. Unknown but they are working on it, as Trooper said Reforger is testbed for Arma4. I expect it in 2-3years
  13. Gamers love variety, so after Midway, Coral sea, Solomons, Guadacanal id like to se MTO (Seafires), BoB or Normandy again if this sim becomes good product.
  14. Rough model without too much details is fine IMO .....i dont think resources and manpower are on their side to go into small details few will notice over non-playable content.
  15. Something like Arma3 editor would be superb
  16. When mentioning development funding Jason said they have first year covered so it could mean in a year there could be EA preorder with first planes they mentioned, Wildcat and Zero....no hurry for me, i just want them and this project to succeed!
  17. On discord Jason said engine they use will remain "trade secret" for now until project gets further into the shape.
  18. Thnx, i missed that one.....woooo a lot of good things to see/read last two days🍻
  19. I would expect standard offer with Wildcat, Dauntless, Devastator vs Zero, Val, Kate. And as premium/collectors: b26, Catalina
  20. For me clickpit is a NO feature if it goes at the cost of variety of gameplay and content! Even in dcs i mostly use clickpit only at the startup so i hope they will focus on good gameplay and variety of content as it was in old il2:1946...id raher have fighter, torpedo bomber and bomber than only fully fleshed fighter. I hope they wont go dcs path
  21. Good to see u back Feathered🍻
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