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E-3 (3/30)

  • Bombardier - Week One Done
  • Radioman - One Month Later
  • Navigator - One Year In
  • Tail Gunner - Well Followed
  • Observer - Dedicated

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  1. Again, great attention to details, that canvas moving in the wind is really immersive. And, subscribed. Have a nice day.
  2. Yeah, give us Flying Tigers, not Flying Timers. Have a nice day.
  3. So much attention to detail, stunning. Have a nice day.
  4. Nice, great attention to detail on those lower wings of that F4-F4. Have a nice day.
  5. I was always a pleasure to read his posts. Don will be sorely missed. All the best to him, his family and friends, wherever he is now. ~S~
  6. Thanks for the link, it works. Have a nice day.
  7. Yeah, I once read somewhere, I forgot where sorry, that Spitfire pilots had to apply the same tactics (boom & zoom) that 109 pilots used against them over Europe when they went fighting Zero's over Asia. Have a nice day.
  8. FlyingShark

    Good Music

    Enjoy. Have a nice day.
  9. Thank you, great stuff coming. Have a nice day.
  10. Maybe one of the mods can merge the threads? Have a nice day.
  11. Yeah, I've said it before and I say it again, as much as I like carrier operations, nothing goes above operating a weathered, worn P-40 from a strip of dirt in the middle of some jungle. It's by far my favourite aircraft but the last 15 years I have hardly flown it as the in only modern sim where you have one, it feels a bit out of place and it wasn't really used as a primary front line fighter in the given battle. Where it really shines was in the Pacific/CBI theater. So, hopefully, we'll get one in Combat Pilot one day. Have a nice day.
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