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I'm waiting for a sale and more mods to really polish the game up and add to it, but it sounds like the people with realistic expectations are enjoying themselves, which is good. Bethesda RPG in space is something I know I'll enjoy, and I had absolutely zero expectation that this would be a space sim along the lines of Elite or Star Citizen.

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Working signatures? What a novel concept!

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11 hours ago, BlitzPig_EL said:

Downloaded it on day one. I was very hyped for this title, now I'm sorry I spent the money.

Boring, repetitive game play... Oh look another procedurally generated "monster"... Yawn.

A pity, it could have been so good.


100% agree.

First couple of hours were fine, but as you progress more the bugs start piling up and it just becomes repetitive.
Played it for about 130 hours after it released, but haven't touched it since. Ran into several game breaking bugs and coupled with the game just being mediocre at best, I just couldn't bother anymore.

Also don't like what happens at the end. No spoilers, but I just don't think it fits that style of game.

I still want to believe it has potential, so I might return at a later date but not before both the first DLC and mod support has fully released.
I've kept an eye on the patch notes, which release incredibly slow, but none of the major bugs that I encountered have been fixed yet.

Edited by Aruberikku
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Still playing it, still enjoying it, 360 odd hours played, level 63... yes, some of the missions are so so... but I've had some great firefights and missions, plus I'm still finding locations that I've never met before the further out into the galaxy I go. 

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Completed the game, storyline is meh, like really unimpressing.....

I'd give it overall 6,5/10....thnx to few missions that were really fun, first mission vs. Xenomorph, boarding ships and attacking and boarding pirate and scav bases make it worth playing but overall game is avg Joe not worth hype it got.

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