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AI Coms

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A ccouple of things.  

Firstly I would like to see something akin to Heatblur's  "Jester Wheel" menu for coms in CB. I find the abilty to use head tracking (prehaps eventually eye tracking to navigate memus very instinctive. If the memu could be designed to incorpoate Voice commands efficently that would also be a boon. A toggled and situation dependent qucik ACM/BFM menu containing relevent tactical commands for the type would  also be nice.

Second part is AI coms coming back. In many previous sims in SP as a wingman Im often left reacting to sudden course alterations with little or no coordinated tactical flying. Dependent upon the AI in the game, having an AI lead dictate and communicate  BFM and ACM to me and, conversely react to my BFM and ACM instructions would be fantstic.  

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  • 4 weeks later...

As long as it can be used with key macros that I can setup voiceattack commands for, I don't really care if its a wheel or a ladder or any other visual representation. 


I Really just hope we can get some good, responsive AI wingmen with lots of options for tactics and coordinating. This is done quite well in FalconBMS so I don't think its beyond the scope of a brand new game

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Working signatures? What a novel concept!

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56 minutes ago, MustangMike said:

I Really just hope we can get some good, responsive AI wingmen with lots of options for tactics and coordinating


I really would like to see that too.



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Download Missions, Skins, & Essential files for IL-2 1946 and several other game series from Mission4Today.

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