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Everything posted by dburne

  1. I guess I need to spell it out further - obviously when referring to cold start routine I was referring to being parked, going through the startup procedure and taxi to runway. I am speaking of hoping all is possible in the sim, not assuming. Goodness I am quite aware of how I can do both in DCS, I do it every day. Let's not get caught up in semantics.
  2. Really? Cool I did not realize I could go through a cold start routine in IL-2. Has been a while though. I assume you did notice I was talking about two options - runway start with engine running and cold start - go through start up routine taxi and take off? Not a simulation design? I would think it would very much be - if not , then a mission could not be designed around it.
  3. Well this should certainly be an interesting thread lol. As for me I fly in VR and have always flown with 1:1 head tracking. No owl head on a swivel for me. I do not however, do MP only SP.
  4. LOL, and here... we... go!
  5. Please consider if you can modeling your controller setup GUI similar to how DCS does it rather than how IL-2 GB does it. IMHO out of the flight sims I have DCS does this best.
  6. I thoroughly enjoy and much prefer the full fidelity cockpits of DCS. WWII birds you are only looking like around 5 min to get started up , taxi to runway , and in the air. To me ideally a good combat flight sim would offer both, cold start and runway engine running start to capture most everyone in that category of features. However neither would be a deal breaker for me as long as the sim is really good.
  7. If you have not yet check out Jason's Stormbirds interview regarding this new sim.
  8. Amen to that - really looking forward to watch this one progress.
  9. Hello gang, good ole dburne here! Been flight simming since the early 90's and still going strong. I look forward to seeing this new offering in my favorite genre!! I wish best of luck to all!! Finally something to get excited about so thank you!
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