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  1. Thanks for sharing this! I only intended to read the first parts of the article then found myself reading the entire thing! Great news.
  2. Didn’t Bantam Warbooks come out with Sakai’s story at one time?
  3. OMG…the kitty pic…it doesn’t look like it, but please tell me this was Photoshopped!
  4. Geeeez…I thought that first pic was IRL!
  5. Oh this is easy. If this sim will include at some point lane based aircraft how about a player controlled flyable B-25? I think I’m hoping against hope in the “other project” that this will ever happen. Oh heck as already discussed here, a bit more in depth career mode would be nice. The “other project” feels a tad sterile at the moment. It’s good don’t get me wrong, but I think a little polishing here and there would add to it.
  6. Naturally the chosen opening battle makes sense and we are all looking forward to a flight sim which is way (WAY) overdue in the Pacific with the different sets of aircraft bailable and the skills required for carrier landings, let alone accomplishing this under adverse conditions such as rudder input gone, visibility, etc. Just a thought since Jason mentioned Pearl Harbor which also got me pondering also all those land based aircraft in the Pacific. I’m wondering if “down the line” this may be of interest to any of us? Im thinking along the lines of a FLYABLE B-25 etc I don’t know the scope of how large these maps are gonna be let alone what game engine they will be running as of this date so as to what extent they’ll be able to accomplish such tasks remains to be seen. Four engine heavies even? I’ll take the B-24 thank you. Just put feelers out here,
  7. In so far as weather goes as an injector, what if you had options? Something like “historical”, “live weather” or perhaps with slider options styled as “user defined”? I have no clue as to map size, depth of whether the devs are willing to reproduce so I’m just spitballing suggestions here.
  8. Yes - it’s like the perfect storm in a very perfect way. I only wished I had a second home in Vegas.
  9. OMG…this is in a way, sorta surreal. I mean to mention Jason and a REALISTIC (see also “not arcade”) WW2 aviation sim set in the Pacific all in the same sentence…whoa. Now some of the pieces from a ways back are making sense now. I just love his passion for flight, realism and details - this is key to what drives his success at his endeavors. I wish you and your newfound team(s) nothing but the best of luck and for God’s sake - take my money PLEASE!
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