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  1. why does SP player care if AI wingman gets kill for airplane he was shooting at 😄 he cares because like to any MP player stats are important. Maybe that guy was bigger statswhore, he aimed for most Kill/sortie and for that if you get down dosent mather
  2. it needs to be in game, GB have good stats system that can be easy modified for what ever you wont to do but otside game not sinc with ingame, stats make players play way you wont them to play on your server, making them sinc with in game would be great. In game stats need to have ability to hide enemy side player numbers and stat, ability to delay stats display seow had that options in old il-2 it was not popular but its more realistic, or how acg run it in their campaign, only visual confirmation by other players and so on... In GB in SP you miss accuracy %, other things are ok, stats are not just MP thing, when you play in SP you wont to see how many kills you got and so on, display that on airplane skin, in real wars it was important, it was wrong most of times as you dont have exact info like we got in game, but it was good for propaganda, and in game its great tool to dictate behavior on your server as players who play on day to day bases keep coming because of their stats or their team stats or war stats and so on, and they bring in other players. In PTO it will be important to do torpedo or bomb damage stats corectly who get what when big ships are hit and destroyed, or youll just make it pointless for single players to even try using bombers if they dont get reward for crippled big ship, just so guy in zero gets final drop of 4x50kg , and kills a captain who then trips and opens up antiflod doors and ship go down and poor 3 kate players who got kia droping torpedos dont get points 😄 I think that there should be some option to tie bomber player to fighter player and if bomber gets some points then that fighter player gets also escort points (if hes pos was mostly close to bomber player) to promote escort bombers behaviors, something like frend requests, bomber players aprove it, and if your bad escort he rejects it and so on... As in modern MP enviroments escorts are not rewarded and most players do not do it, so bombers go alone they get killed they dont play devs dont make bombers and so on...
  3. Same. You need to have place where players can start , adjustable icons like in old IL-2, skies of valor or fire, or some similar servers had full icons for frendlys for enemy only some things would be displayed at certen distances. When i started in online il-2 i didnt jump in on "full real" servers, i played on servers with icons and outside views and no cocpit views, aim assist, if i started online play and only option was cockpit and no icons i doubt i would play more then few days and call it quits. Now i play only on servers without icons but it took time to get there and enjoy playing like that online. There needs to be both options in game, GB lacks no cocpit view and adjustable icons, its either to arcade or to real, so arcade servers are empty and full real servers are to hard for new players, even players who played in SP for years would fined it extreme there, its turned now in only veterans playing with no new players realy having place to start and its imposible to grow like that. Airstarts and artificial runways like we had in old IL-2 should be mandatory for PTO so mission makers can move action closer, ability to flaten some ground area and remove forrest on maps like solomons or new guinea and so on... so bases are closer. For Midway ok we have carriers so you just move them closer but for future maps if they are 1:1, options like that should be made posible. From what i noticed big problem for new player online is SA, accuracy or flying airplane they usealy have, and knowing where action is, SP player usealy thinks if he dont get in DF in 10min in online servers its bad so they tend to just hd strait for closest enemy base, and its just brutal like that as they putt them self in positions where they are constantly outnumbered and at disadvantage... starting on servers with icons help that a little.
  4. this one is more focused on air war "You have to remenber that the little MiG-15 in Korea was successful doing what all the Focke-Wulfs and Messeschmitts of World War II were never able to do: drive the United States bomber force right out of the sky."
  5. if games like GB or ROF had lobby like hyperlooby coops would have better chance, you have ppl in waiting room, you have chat, ppl can see your server ask what mission you plan to run, ask for some other, on HL coops were usealy 15-20min missions, mission planer was user frendly edits were easy, you could control your wingman and AI airplanes had use... most of things GB and RoF do bad, so no wonder coops were nonexistant... I remenber in HL while i would wait for DF server slots to open up i would join some random coop that would be listed , ppl would advertaise it everyone was in same place, in modern games this is nonexistant, when CB or WoL is full i just sit in DF part of game or just do random DF on berloga, you dont know who is hosting coop where why what mission and so on... no option to ask and so on... in Korea it looks they gona just have same mission planer like GB and same MP lobby, so nothing will change there, here who knows, ability to run coop sp campaign, more userfrendly mission planer and HL type lobby would be great but its so early now. I remenber when we were doing some seoa campaign, they were advertaised on forum but not hosted on HL, i was pushing to host them on HL to get more players, and after we run them from HL coop section we got more players interested in that seaw coop campaign, back then it was place where most online players were, most of them never visited games forums. Now its same most players will not go on games forums, or discorts and so on, having in game lobby where you have list of players who wait and ability to chat would incress MP interest. I remenber when Mongoos made B-24 for IL-2, he run coops on HL, we had missions where you were just in gunner positions and shooting down AI zeros and so on... i just saw them on coop section didnt know who they were or why they run missions but heck they would advertaised it in chat, i had time betwen DF sesions and tryed it, still remenber thouse missions more then some kill streaks or good DFs on DF servers, in modern games with coop options i would never knw they even hosted, everything is separate, you cant even know if there is 1 or 50 ppl waithing to play and so on...
  6. That was tryed in Clifs of Dover, make pilot have "two hands" , Anthropomorphic Controls , it was great idea but it was big fail in game. People tought it was bug when they could not do few things at same time, or it was to sensitive to make something that was posible with two hands not posible in game and so on... i doubt this gona be reproduced in any future sims.
  7. You get that in MP in SEOW in Il-2 1946 or other events like ACG in Clod had, 1-2 mission per week, good preparation , with players who play as mutch to it like it was flow in ww2, but for that you need to have good Mission Builder, capacity for 100+ players, fredom of choice in MODS and realisam settings, good net for planty of ground units, and so on... we didnt see mutch of it in GB as it was limited in most important stuff... great visuals, 99% FM/DM for that is not so important... thats why you still have ppl flying old IL-2 for that expiriance and new game MP is just fast food fighter and stats farming game, giving MP bad rep. So if this game again make focus on as realistic airplanes but dont give options to have big battles and fredom to comunity , MP will again be just mindless shootemup WT, GB or DCS is. When you look todays MP its easy to se why player would play SP even with poor AI and no teamwork posible, its not skill problem its better WW2 exiriance you get in SP.
  8. MP makes ppl talk about game and look alive, if SP is 4x or more ppl how come hes doing interview with MP guy, where are SP guys... in this day and age especialy in combat sims MP is where game is talked about online... But from what is said its long long time before we even start to think about SP campaigns or MP dynamic servers, it seams if things go ok we gona get Zero and Wildcat and thats it for first 1-2 year
  9. You can say goodbye to any decent MP if they dont bather with making options for having balanced gameplay, just look how Tank Crew got destroyed with who nees balance just make tanks that were there, without making gameplay depict resons why one side gambled on new small number unreliable tanks when other side gambled on big numbers of good enought tanks. When you make game and have 80 ppl top you cant just make Ki-43-II vs Spitfire VIII and say now players make game popular, when historicly they were fighting over Burma in 1944, and expect ppl to buy it or even play it in MP. With Midway F4F vs Zero is good match but later on it can get one sided realy fast if this game have any close limits like GB have in MP. You dont need balace sides for players if you can pack one side with 100s of AI flights, but if you cant simulate historic scales of air battles then all this kids thinking just make airplane as real as posible without why that airplane had to be used, or risks of new tech, relaiability non existant, pilot confort or rotation of pilots vs never ending sorties untill rip...not simulated, its then just half simulation, and simple one at best. MP game without balance will be dead on arivall and tank crew displayed this perfectly
  10. just make rest AI only, if they go route of GB where every airplane have to be hman controled, its gona be long wait , and not big varaiti in airplanes especialy on Japan side. 3 v 3 you pointed out is good start for small group that have to make game from nothing.
  11. minimum i expect is 1 fighter, 1 dive-bomber, 1 torpedo bomber and one carrier per side
  12. Saw this on GB forum, guess If it has sticks it will be good enough 😄
  13. i dont see rason why they would need them for Midway, they better focus on just basic things at start and get some product out, add extra stuff later
  14. Yes , playing on gamepads since original il-2, my intrudaction to flying games come from ps1 so it was only natural to use what i had for other games, did try for some time with sticks but didnt notice any advantages and gamepad is more confort.
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