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Bobo last won the day on March 13

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  1. I love it when they take old Polkas and play them with the Waylon Jennings half-time beat. It rocks!
  2. PJ Harvey Always interesting Bing Videos
  3. Bobo

    FSA trip

    Flying an AT-6 for 200 hours would be a pleasure, but yeah need a deep wallet. Will we have a Texan Trainer in Combat Pilot?
  4. St. Vincent (Annie Clark).
  5. I'm seriously considering a Duesenberg Trem II tremolo for the Jazz...any experience with those things? It can go on the LP too, but one at a time...
  6. Finished my twin to the faded Sonic Blue I made last Oct. Same guitar kit, but this is painted Sherwood Green. Plays and sounds great. Really fun project. I also modded out the pickups for some zebra Probuckers on last years LP kit, looks very cool now 🙂
  7. Wow, carbon fiber plate. I wonder if tuners could be made from CF, or parts of tuners...lighten up the head a lot.
  8. Finished building this for my niece. She's been a good girl. It's a kit. Super fun. Sounds great and plays great. Now I make one for me in Sherwood Green.
  9. Are you playing single or multi? I'm just getting started and know nothing!
  10. I use an old Microsoft FFB stick with W11 and it works great. I didn't have to do any fancy juggling. It just works. But it works best with a powered USB hub.
  11. All super bitchin rock machines! Dude!
  12. The weird noises are my way to say awesome sounds...not problematic. I love that you guys can build from scratch, that gives you complete control over the components. It would be awesome to have the tools and skills. I figure I want to build another one, the kits are great fun and really cheap considering. Maybe a bass, why not! The kit I have is an excellent victim for me to learn all the setup arts. I've done the torsion bar adjustments, fret work, bridge saddle intonation (I'm an asshole about tuning) nut filing and other interesting things and it's been quite the learning experience. My BigBug isn't fancy but I loved building it and playing it and I'm proud of it. Very Kool!
  13. A buddy out of the blue ask me if I knew how to swap out Humbuckers...I don't but it really got me thinking about guitars. I don't play guitar but I've played many other instruments. Anyway he said he was building a kit guitar. I really started to think about it and decided I wanted to make a kit guitar So I bought a Harley Benton SC kit. Really fun and not too bad of an ax, I spend about a month preparing and painting and finishing. It only turned out ok. I could use much more practice. I swapped out the bridge, nut and tuners and it behaves very nice. Now I wish I knew how to do the pickup wiring so I could put better ones in. The HB ones aren't terrible, but they're not great either. It's way more fun than I ever imagined, I built a pedalboard and can make some pretty weird noises!!
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