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Everything posted by wheelsup_cavu

  1. Lol, Why not, we control tanks in a flight sim. 😉 Wheels
  2. Imo something that simple to use would be a great improvement. Been waiting for that addon since just about forever. Wheels
  3. Since I am unable to add any more reactions today. Wheels
  4. :salute: All the way at the bottom in the Classic section. Wheels
  5. Thanks for the insight @WWSandMan. Unfortunately at the moment the only thing that the Other Media option allows me to do is insert my currently uploaded images. (Insert existing attachment) Oh joy... 🤐 Wheels
  6. You have used 402.57 kB of your 488.28 MB attachment limit. I feel like a ninny and a half reading that again... 🫤 I misread it earlier when I made this thread thinking that the 3 images I have already uploaded had practically used up the forum limitations we are allotted on attachments. Still curious to know if they plan on allowing images to be posted using the IMG tags at some point though. Wheels
  7. Feeling more and more like old home week after every new post. 😎 Wheels
  8. by Ben Macintyre https://www.amazon.com/Prisoners-Castle-Survival-Colditz-Fortress/dp/0593136330/ I consider it a solid read. I also liked how the author summarized each of the major individuals lives after the war up to and including their passing in the last chapter. Wheels
  9. Forgot to mention that Caesar III is still available at GoodOldGames(dot)com. https://www.gog.com/en/game/caesar_3 Wheels
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_III I always got a kick out of defeating Caesars legions when they were sent to depose me. 😁 Wheels
  11. I am somewhat forum savvy but for the life of me I am unable to find a way to hotlink an image. The IMG tags don't seem to work, at least they don't in the Preview, and the 3 images I have already uploaded have almost exceeded the forum limitations. [img]https://www.mission4today.com/images/m4tsig.jpg[/img] Wheels
  12. Hello neighbor. 😎 I have been known to spend a lot of Saturdays at PoF... Wheels
  13. Imo the main failing with bailing out of the aircraft in IL-2 1946 happened when the noparachutes option was enabled. All too often I saw a friendly AI pilot who had crash landed safely in friendly territory burn up in their cockpit because they did not exit the plane. Hated to end up flying the mission again because a high time veteran Pilot in your squadron died because of this situation. --------- Realistic turning of ships. Those 90 degree turns in 1946 are a real eyesore to watch. Station keeping with ships. Possibly done by creating a single waypoint path for one ship to follow and then attaching the other ships to the main ship. Wheels
  14. I had a 2TB hard drive that was almost full of IL-2 content go belly up in March so I feel the pain. 🫤 Wheels
  15. Also stick with standard mouse button operations. Having to right click instead of left clicking to move around the map in the GB map builder is a huge pain since you left click to move around the map in game. Wheels
  16. Lol I thought the D+ was the rating you were giving for all the new Disney Plus Star Wars content. 😁 Wheels
  17. Pacific wrecks might be a decent starting place? https://pacificwrecks.com/airfields/japan/ Wheels
  18. If your plans include doing the Yamamoto mission (Operation Vengeance) at some point in the future these books should help. Operation Vengeance: The Astonishing Aerial Ambush That Changed World War II - Good (released in 2020) Dead Reckoning: The Story of How Johnny Mitchell and His Fighter Pilots Took on Admiral Yamamoto and Avenged Pearl - OK (released in 2020) Attack on Yamamoto - still reading (released in 1993) ------------ These threads of mine also have links to websites with data on the mission. https://forums.mudspike.com/t/what-are-you-reading-right-now/12949/27?u=wheelsup_cavu https://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=ForumsPro&file=viewtopic&p=202524#202524 https://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=ForumsPro&file=viewtopic&p=202567#202567 https://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/4351444#Post4351444 Wheels
  19. Still using the MS FFB2 joysticks @Jason_Williams sold me almost ten years ago. Wheels
  20. Nothing drastic but Member is misspelled as Memebr in the FAQ image. Wheels
  21. Lol, that lament could have been written for just about any sim in the last two decades. Wheels
  22. Glad to see you have something else on the burner @Jason_Williams. Looking forward to what you and Barbedwire Studios have planned for us. Wheels
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