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Per-plane list of unbound commands


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There ought to be some easy way, when starting a mission, to get a list of commands, used with that plane, that are unbound. Maybe some of them could be tagged as 'important' and a warning displayed if the player has any 'important' commands unbound.

I suggest this because I see newbies in BoX making the same mistakes again and again. "Why doesn't my trim work in the Fw 190!?" A simple warning that important commands are unbound would make the sim so much more accessible.

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  • 2 months later...

I think a "trainer" or "newbie" function would be helpful for new fliers as on some sims. Teaching new fliers how to fly makes them want to get better, to "graduate" into being able to fly on their own and engage in combat with a degree of confidence that they could shoot down an opponent.

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