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Type 0 Carrier Fighter. Informational Intelligence Summary No. 85


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So hard to come by any aircraft test reports, or pilot manuals,  of Japanese aircraft that are in English.

However I did stumble on this report, which is an US assessment of the Zero found on Akutan Island, where it crash-landed in July 1942. More commonly known as Koga's Zero, it is a Type 0 Model 21 Reisen.

It is well worth reading the book 'Koga's Zero' by Jim Reardon, as it contains many gems. Not least of which is Appendix I, which has several flight comparisons of the Zero v US fighters. These were conducted from 26 September to 15 October, 1942.

Also well worth reading Richard L. Dunn's excellent breakdown of the Type 0 performance data here:

And James Broshot's summary of data and production figures here:


Type 0.jpg


Edited by Boom
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