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Good luck with the new venture ! Chocks away ! : - )


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So there I was, minding my own business,when BOOM! out of hecking nowhere this IDEA stabbed me in what is left of my brain.

" You must defend the beaches! " Or some twaddle.

" what beaches ? ! " I asked myself. Must be some Flight Simulator with oceans and stuff....probably has carriers and all.

So,uh, I teleported here from some place way out on the spectrum and tah dah! My name plate is still available ! Huzzah!

I raise my bullet riddled tin mug of purloined brandy ( care of the brasses mess )  to the future of the new venture !

To the next big thing! 


Dear Jason: we have never met nor have we ever crossed swords. I think, no, yes, that's correct. I am sure. Maybe.

Anyway... All the best of Kiwi luck TM to your new adventure !




Edited by Plank
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  • Plank changed the title to Good luck with the new venture ! Chocks away ! : - )

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