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Don't break tracks with updates or..

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If it isn't feasible to maintain the integrity of the tracks with the updated game then how about a separate track viewer module that allows you to watch them?

One of the things I still enjoy immensely about 1946 is that the ntrk's can still be played as long as it was recorded in the current or previous patch version. Finding long forgotten sorties and viewing them again is always a joy, especially when you find an old ntrk that features a comrade in arms who has passed away since you recorded it.




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The problem is when the developer optimizes the binary file which is a part of missions files.


A track is composed of a few files.

- A trk file

-A directory that has the same name as the trk file.

In that directory, there are a few files :

- Camera.tc which is the camera of the track.

- All the other files are the files from the mission.


1- Delete the msnbin file.

2- Open the mission editor

3- Load the mission from the track directory. The loading will be longer.

4- Save the mission. The msbin file will be regenerated.

This trick is not supported by the developers, but works almost all the time.



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Thanks, I have the folder and the .trk file but I forgot the .acmi file. Either it is something they added since I saved the track in July 2021 or I forgot to put it in the zip file at that time. I am getting a 1000 error but it was trying to load, so I was getting closer but no cigar...


Track file is likely lost permanently now to an HDD crash on a different machine. 004_frown.gif.86f4415e7d87a3446b1e0ed6ebf944b9.gif

Why I was hoping to save it was because i had recovered from an inverted flat spin. It took about 45 seconds to recover and I was certain I was going to bore a new hole in the ground before I could right the plane.


I had finally found a recording program, other than fraps which killed my frame rates by at least 50%,  that would have allowed me to record it on my Win 7 machine and the HDD failed 2 days after I found it.




Download Missions, Skins, & Essential files for IL-2 1946 and several other game series from Mission4Today.

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Acmi file are generated when you use the checkbox Tacview. It's not part of the track.

It's an external program that allows you to have a debriefing of your flight.



For recording, i use Bandicam which works fine, since Fraps is not updated.



I checked your track file, but there are many files missing. I tried to open it with several versions (even beta version), but i can't. I have an error.

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4 hours ago, Habu said:

I checked your track file, but there are many files missing.

I have 11 files in my zip file. 10 in the folder and the .trk file.


Files in folder


Since the .acmi file is irrelevant which files am I missing in the zip file that you downloaded?




Download Missions, Skins, & Essential files for IL-2 1946 and several other game series from Mission4Today.

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I downloaded the file from Mudspike right before making this post and everything I show in the images in my prior post came in the zip file.

I am guessing it was a corrupted download or your virus software didn't like what was in the zip file and deleted the other files?? 102.gif.da3279a64d7beb8da7b4d01a3972084a.gif




Download Missions, Skins, & Essential files for IL-2 1946 and several other game series from Mission4Today.

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We are getting the same results it seems.

What is confusing to me is that I emailed the zip file to all my squad mates first. Then I uploaded that very same zip file to MediaFire before linking to that file in my post at MudSpike. I know that the file in the email, which I still have, was viewable at that time since I received comments from my squad mates about it. I never heard from anyone at MudSpike so the MediaFire files may have been corrupt all along?? spacer.png


Would the fact it was a QMB mission cause any problems with your recovery method?




Download Missions, Skins, & Essential files for IL-2 1946 and several other game series from Mission4Today.

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20 hours ago, wheelsup_cavu said:

Would the fact it was a QMB mission cause any problems with your recovery method?



No, Qmb is a single mission. The kind of mission doesn't change for the recovery.

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