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Everything posted by JediMaster

  1. Could use some Victory at Sea music, though...
  2. Even bad Star Wars is better than another NCSI: Law and Chicago Five-O 99 Housewives episode. Proud owner of every version of Star Wars, including a Japanese LD release of Phantom Menace and the original original trilogy on LD with Ewoks singing up to 4k.
  3. JediMaster

    Good Music

    Doesn't get better than this!
  4. I really liked the strategic aspect it had which reminded me of Carriers at War (a great strategy game from SSG) on a smaller scale. There were some important differences with competitor Aces of the Pacific. I have a saved post, I didn't save it but my friend did because he liked it and sent it to me years later, of something I wrote about AOTP's second update in Sept 1992 on Prodigy (if anyone still remembers that service): "Oh, I've the second patch and it's ok, the frame rate problem is here to stay! I shoot down planes, I dodge the flak, I like to land at sea. I wish the stupid wingmen would not run into me! He shoots down planes, he dodges flak, he likes to land at sea. He wishes the stupid wingmen could fly better than he! Oh, he has the second patch and it's ok, the frame rate problem is here to stay! The tail gunners are perfect shots, they always shoot at ME But when they fly on my side, worse shots you'll never see! Oh, he has the second patch and it's ok, the frame rate problem is here to stay! My Nick is smoking from the nose, my Wildcat pulls 8 g's Would the folks at Sierra/Dynamix fix the dumb flight model please? Oh, he has the second patch and it's ok, the frame rate problem is here to stay! The "aces" that are in this game are anything else but! I'd have more trouble in the air against my neighbor's mutt. Oh, he has the second patch and it's okaaaaaaay, his lousy wingman's blown him away!"
  5. Lovely work! I haven't built any models in 20+ years but I do have an A-10 my father-in-law gave me last year sitting here in a box waiting for me... That one, though, looks like it had a LOT of time put into it, enough to embarrass any ones I made in the 80s or 90s!
  6. Whatever engine CP uses, modified commercially available or proprietary, I hope it utilizes modern tech like multithreading, raytracing, and the like from the start. No need to go wild with the RT now, but if it's there to begin with things can be turned up as the hardware advances without heavy lifting later.
  7. I was encouraged by Jason's mention of more than just USAAF, USN, IJN, and IJAF. The UK, China, Australia, and many others contributed and I hope to see planes, ships, and ground units from all participants eventually.
  8. Is it wrong for me to say AI? As primarily an SP and coop MP flier, I've never cared about PvP so the AI of the planes (and ground units too) is really important to me and for most sims the AI never changes much over the life of the product aside from bug fixes. Hoping CP comes out of the gate with realistic AI! That doesn't mean I want Terminators who are deadly just 1v1 every time, I expect a realistic spectrum of elites, rookies, and in between for my dream WWII sim.
  9. I'm Jedi Master, been simming since the late 80s with F-19, Gunship (no !), Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, Red Baron, and Chuck Yeager's Air Combat. Definitely been looking for a new PTO sim since PacFighters 20 years ago never really satisfied my itch like AOTP did, but it was good enough for the time. Glad Jason is finally on the road to making it even if it's going to be a good bit of time yet before we see anything let alone have it developed to what our dreams want! 😜
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