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  1. My list of wishes that is not exhaustive but in order from what I consider the most important to the least important: - Flight model - Plane physics: please find a way to simulate real flying. How annoying it is to see a pilot pulling FW 190 flaps out at 500KPH with no stall flight. - PIlot physics: The pilot physics is quit often left behind and it is a problem. Pilots in sims tend to be too strong and to not be influenced in there moves by the g force they take. for instance, if someone is looking backward, he can't pull on the stick as hard as he would if he was looking forward. blackouts should happen faster depending on the head position too... many simple things should be added to prevent the game from having a superman pilot in each plane. - The heavy planes are usually too eazy to move. the lift is too stable compared with reality. - Breifing room, in PVP or in campaign mod. Exchanging with other pilots before and after the mission would be a good thing. having a virtual space to do so would be amazing. - VERY STRONG MISSION EDITOR: in fact I would even go as far as provide the planes and the maps, let the players make the missions. even offer campaigns to be done by whoever and sold directly through your platform. - Beautiful graphics, but optimized ones. please help us see planes cause screens are nothing like reality and we don't play to tire our eyes... - Engage more with the community so that we get less disapointed... afterall, no one can pretend to know better than everyone together... or can we ? so many millions and zigilions of other things. That's all for now. thank you for making us believe that WW2 combat flight sim is not dead yet... quite frankly with IL2 stuck and DCS focusing on jets I was hopeless until I heard from this project. thx bye
  2. Full fidelity or not Full fidelity... In two senteces: The only fidelity that matters is the one that will be or could be used in flight. all the buttons that just serve a cold start up procedure are not usefull in my opinion. On the other hand, any switch or wheel the pilot can move to prevent his airplane to fall or just to get himself back home... that I want... Fuel management, prop management, electrical power management, emergency landing gear, etc thx
  3. HI all, In my opinion, the plane sets should be developped coherently as in IL2 GB and unlike DCS, but they also should be chosen carefully in terms of how many players fly how many hours. Since A6M and F4F were anounced, the choice to dev a complete eco system of this period before going onto another one should be logical. therefore Kate and val; Dauntless and TBD maybe... but no Helldiver please. see ya
  4. Hi to all the team of builders and followers... Can't wait to all play together on this new game.
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