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  1. Some excellent SBD camera gun footage of attacks on IJN destroyer and cruiser units near Rabaul November 1943. This channel has some great combat footage.
  2. "What is old has suddenly become new again" 😉 This very subject was debated amongst the Targetware Dev team years ago for version 2. We eventually concluded that settable "warp points" was the best option to overcome this dilemma. In Real Life, squadrons would specify a mission rendezvous point and we found that this point could be used to "warp" to a reasonable distance from the mission area. We decided that scaled down maps were for less realistic sims.
  3. Was never really interested in a sim unless it was massive multi-play online. Something about the human factor made it much more immersive. Started with Air Warrior (over GEnie) and progressed to Confirmed Kill and then Warbirds. Targetware/Target Rabaul came around 1999 and was the pinnacle for me. Rough around the edges and very unfinished, but highly immersive with some excellent scenario missions. It was the ONLY sim where we had to, for instance, use Lindberg's high boost / low RPM procedures to enable us to get our P38's to the combat area.
  4. Not to harp on it too long, but TW was a very lost opportunity. We were well on the way to developing version 2, using LUA to hook into everything (FMs, DMs, terrain dev, even active weather modelling !) So many thousands of hours put in by all the Mod devs, for naught 😞 Anyways, onwards and upwards and really hoping Jason can pull this one off. [quote]Welcome! Well, data on the subject being rare, maybe you could consider sharing part of it? We have a channel for that on our official Discord server. Thanks in advance![/quote] Probably best to ask what we might be able to find. Years of trolling the National Australian Archives (quite often material that had not see the light of day since 1946) and we have gigs of data. I'll look into the Discord server when home from work next. Happy to discuss joining the team in whatever capacity as well. Will keep a closer eye on the forum here too.
  5. Hi all. This looks interesting. I was co-developer of Target Rabaul with Peril and Yak. You may know the story. TR was built on the Targetware engine. Unfortunately when sick pulled the plug on coding Target ware (he was the sole coder), we had to abandon the project. Anyways, Peril and I have a wealth of data on flight models, primary aircraft data, airfield and squadron dispositions. We've been waiting a long time for a credible, high fidelity Pacific War air combat sim. Happy to help if we can.
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