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Regarding Flight/Server Modes


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Regarding Flight Modes:

I wrote a series of articles early on in BoX development regarding Beginner, Normal, and Expert modes. A lot of what I wrote back then actually got modified and/or implemented by the Dev’s. Some things weren’t, because of technical issues, and some the Dev’s just didn’t think needed to be adjusted. I want to revisit here in CP, and give my humble opinion on the matter from the ground floor for both Dev consideration and cordial argumentation amongst ourselves. It won’t be copy and paste, though, many of the concepts will transfer. On the other hand, with further knowledge of how that development went, I have some newer, potentially better, ideas.

So, strap in, it’s gonna be a long article.

I largely think there should be three default modes for play. These should be good for both offline and online play. The fourth mode – Full Custom won’t be addressed here as there are far too many variables to contend with. I think there is absolutely a role for Full Custom and everyone should have the ability to adjust/play the game the way they want. I don’t want to force anyone to play the game “MY WAY.” Full Custom, however, is just a different animal altogether.

There should, on the other hand, be a set of one click stock settings that correspond to both off and online modes that make sense. If I’m flying offline and want to fight with the same parameters, that should be an easy, and easily identifiable in the GUI, transition to online and vice versa. Further, the settings for each mode should both be progressive and make sense from the outset. I should be able to click on the mode I want in the GUI and, in online mode, all servers that don’t correspond to the mode I clicked should drop off the available servers list.

The stock modes, let’s call them Ensign, Lieutenant and Commander, roughly correspond to Noob, Casual, and Expert. Let’s take a look……


This is the selectable mode for beginners. This is where the noobs should be making the transition from mouse games, less complex CFS’ and GA flight sims to Combat Pilot. It should have the most aids for the flyer.

Technical tips and a detailed HUD “on” for multiple flight parameters and compass. There should be multiple small icon flags for the nearest enemy aircraft along the outer rim of the FOV. There should be a distance marker on all aircraft with a color corresponding to friend or foe. The distance marker should be set to 6k and full color, though it should be faint at maximum distance and grow in intensity as you get closer. For example at 6k distance - marker only shown and very faint, at 3k - color is clearly discernable and AC type listed, at 1k - color is full and opponent name is printed as well as FOV flags present. Any further than 6k there should be no markers or icons. I am currently undecided if markers/icons should be visible behind clouds and through the aircraft.

All of the external views are on.  Padlock is enabled. Ground icons on at 3k with the same gradient style as aircraft.

Map(s) should include all aircraft within 6k and all ground targets within 3k. Outside views are on but NO SUPERMAN view in this, or any of the three stock modes.

Aircraft FM/DM should be the same/unchanged for all pilots in this or any other mode. A possible exception might be landing gear damage in Ensign mode - we want noobs to learn how to land on a carrier, without killing themselves every time, and build some confidence.

Complex Engine Management should be “off” or automatic, including temperature and prop pitch. Keep all of the historical engine limits but let the AC handle CEM. Note: this has NOTHING to do with engine timers. Please DO NOT go OT in the comments. I will ask a Moderator to delete all "timer's" comments. I said historical engine limits with intent.

Engine starts are one button/automatic but fully animated. Air Starts allowed.

Ensign mode should be focusing on basic airmanship, gunnery, and a FUN place to learn. Enemy AAA and AC gunners should be present but moderately ineffective with modified (ahistorical) dispersion. There should be no G effect on the player pilot. Let the physics/AC stall characteristics/FM be the limiting factor in pulling G. G effect ON for AI pilots, though.

Enemy AI should be a random mix of rookie and average skill. Combat should be geared toward the beginner and transitional pilots in this mode based on no CEM, icons, and AI skill.

Ensign servers could be a really good place for squads to take new guys for training and teamwork exercises. I have always been in favor of a training server where noobs could go to class once or twice a week but that is probably for a different thread. Is it arcade? Simply, yes - but it has clear stepping stones for moving into Lieutenant mode.


Still not a full real mode but with relatively few aids. This is a casual mode but much closer to full real than Ensign and probably where the majority of players will, realistically, reside. This is still a quick(er) action mode for most pilots/servers. FM/DM, as stated above, should be full on in every mode, which includes landing (gear) damage in this one.

The first step is to remove all of the FOV flags and reduce the distance markers to 3k. 3k because, while it is still an aid, it is far enough away to assist but not so far away that it is a complete crutch in a bounce. Either as the bouncer or the bounce-ee. 3k icons will still force you to pick up a scan and have some sense of SA. This is still enough distance/time to make a decision to fight or flee in most cases, as long as you are scanning. Some of the old ’46 "Skies of" servers had icons and no flags and you could get bounced if you were lazy. In BoX the FOV flags ruin this. Just one of the things ’46 “Normal” got right. Older guys with small screens and reading glasses need just a little help in the spotting department. Ask me how I know…….

One of the responding comments in my original thread said icons were a must for those without headtracking and who relied on “thumb gymnastics.” He stated no headtracking and limited equipment were the primary factor keeping him from venturing into the Expert servers. I’m not sure I agree but it supports my argument for icons. So, there’s that.

Icons should not be visible through the clouds or AC in Lieutenant mode. Make clouds and aircraft opaque. If you couldn’t see it in real life you shouldn’t see it in the game. The gradients generally apply the same as the 6k gradients but by half values and no FOV flags present. Ground target icons reduced to 2k with gradient. Padlock is not enabled/available in this mode.

The HUD should include only speed and compass. No tech tips. All other pilot data is derived strictly from the instruments. CEM should be simple and mostly controlled by AI. The exception would be temperature/cowl flaps. The pilot should have to monitor the engine temps manually. Oil cooler, mixture, and other engine parameters can be automatic. Prop pitch should be manual if it was manual in real life. I really enjoyed prop pitch on the E3 in CloD.

Takeoffs and Landings are full real. Air starts still are allowed online. I haven’t decided if one button starts are acceptable in Lieutenant or if the proper starting sequence is required here.

Enemy AI should be a mix of average and veteran. Enemy gunnery should be full real for both AAA as well as AC gunners. Maybe with a bit of dispersion but I’m undecided on this ATM. Full G effect on for the player pilots.

The map should show where your AC is located on the map only. It makes the map a navigation aid but not an engagement aid.


This is where traditional flight simmers and rusty CFS veterans would mix it up.  It would force you to hunt, track, and check six considerably more actively. Allowing bounces to develop more naturally, opponents a better chance of using camouflage against terrain, use clouds/weather to mask your escape, and be more of a check six type of server. Pilots would have to be more deliberate in their airmanship as well.


This is the true Expert mode. All CEM is “on.” Engine starts are manual and fully sequential within reason – not necessarily DCS level but certainly CloD level. No icons or map markers of any kind. No HUD. All AC parameters are pilot monitored strictly by the instruments and lever positions. Generally, no pilot aids and full G effect.

No air starts.

Enemy AI/AA/Gunners are a mix of Veteran and Ace with historical weapons dispersion.


So there it is. Mostly fleshed out in my mind and mostly committed to paper. Though, I’m sure I left things out and you have opinions to share as well.

Generally, I think, Ensign should be a stepping stone to Lieutenant and Lieutenant a stepping stone to Commander. I’m going to let this thread ride for a few days and then post a follow up posting from the other forum in it’s entirety. It’s more conceptual than technical. This posting is long enough for the moment.

I am completely open to tweaking my position based on constructive criticism. Let the arguing begin………. 


Edited by HerrMurf
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4 hours ago, HerrMurf said:

Lieutenant: The HUD should include only speed and compass 

I've never quite understood the need for these on the HUD.


Lieutenant: NO EXTERAL VIEWS in flight.

How about external views, on your own plane only, and only on the ground? The only bummer about disabling external views is that sometimes I bring a plane back all shot up and I want to do a walkaround to see how bad it is.

4 hours ago, HerrMurf said:

Commander: No HUD

There should probably be a few things on a HUD even on this setting. I don't want to see "1st engine combat mode" or anything like that, but a lot of people are controlling RPM or radiators with a pair of buttons. IMO it's reasonable for the HUD to display "RPM: 100%" or "Oil Radiator: 60%" or something to that effect: most of these controls would give the pilot tactile feedback in real life, and so the player can get some feedback of the position of the lever, too. Not everyone can afford or has space for a big multi-axis quadrant setup.

Likewise, if there's some sort of engine selection like in BoX, there ought to be some visual indicator of which engine is active.



Regarding air starts, that seems more a question for the server operators.


Otherwise I pretty much agree with your comments.

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9 hours ago, charon said:

I've never quite understood the need for these on the HUD.

I find that I still use speed and direction from the HUD fairly often in the normal servers, especially while exiting combat. It's good to have that as a quick reference. It's good as a general E reference as well. While I'm not completely opposed to dumping it, I think it's useful.

How about external views, on your own plane only, and only on the ground? The only bummer about disabling external views is that sometimes I bring a plane back all shot up and I want to do a walkaround to see how bad it is.

If you check your comment, above, you will see the answer is within the original quote. No external views in flight. I'm fine with an external view on the ground, pre or post flight. I imagine this isn't a very complicated mechanic to program.

There should probably be a few things on a HUD even on this setting. I don't want to see "1st engine combat mode" or anything like that, but a lot of people are controlling RPM or radiators with a pair of buttons. IMO it's reasonable for the HUD to display "RPM: 100%" or "Oil Radiator: 60%" or something to that effect: most of these controls would give the pilot tactile feedback in real life, and so the player can get some feedback of the position of the lever, too. Not everyone can afford or has space for a big multi-axis quadrant setup.

Likewise, if there's some sort of engine selection like in BoX, there ought to be some visual indicator of which engine is active.

I think the HUD in Lieutenant should be very limited. I'm open to engine selection being on it. I think you can derive all of your other info visually within the cockpit. Maybe a set of micro sliders, per engine, in the corner of the screen that correspond to a few primary engine functions? Cowl Flaps, Oil Shutters, Mixture, Prop Pitch?

See I can be persuaded. 


Regarding air starts, that seems more a question for the server operators.

I mention the air starts regarding offline and online play. Remember the thesis states your settings should transfer seamlessly between offline and online, and vice versa, for a consistent experience. I don't think any Commander level play should avoid takeoffs and landings but I grudgingly see it as useful in Lieutenant. Server operators still have the ability to do Full Custom in this scheme.


Otherwise I pretty much agree with your comments.


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