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Interview with Enigma


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  • Executive Producer Skystreak Productions

Dear Pilots,

Our friend and combat flight-simulator addict Enigma (as if that's his real name) has asked if I would sit down for a chat about all things Combat Pilot. I agreed and here is the result. I enjoyed talking to him and I hope you find it interesting. It's hard to answer questions about the future before you have all necessary tools and people in place, but I did my best to be honest and upfront about what we are doing. I apologize in advance for all the "ums" and stilted cadence. I slow way down when I have to talk and think at the same time! Happens when you get old. Thank you to Enigma for taking an interest in Combat Pilot development and dedicating some space on your channel for us.  


Below are a few new renders and screens from our dev team. They are in the interview video, but I have posted here as well for you to enjoy. Hope you like.


F4F_Amgle_01.thumb.png.ea903c1f79b6de23646e186f750a83c7.png F4F_Wing_01.thumb.png.e712de3414b836b866f248942535d1cd.png Sakae_02_Enigma.thumb.png.a7ac4b6016acc408ee05a07e05704984.png

Sakae_01_Enigma.thumb.png.67420081fe50fcc890a5fa98dfb7d0cf.png 3in_01_Enigma.thumb.png.e807afdd300ed640c81ee5ae9330c064.png 3in_02_Enigma.thumb.png.00cc1f58398de727a9cd02ca19dbc3a8.png



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