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Midway data


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I saw on the Discord channel that you are looking for good data on the Midway facilities Jason, and preferred to have any info posted here rather than on Discord. Though there is a Midway topic in the General category I thought this might be better posted here. I have been re-reading Shattered Sword and that book provides a reasonably detailed map of the facilities, including AA emplacements, adapted from yet another fine book The First team (Vol.1) by Lundstrom. Lundstrom does provide more details on the this topic than Shattered Sword. 

I might suggest writing to the USN historical branch(es) as well. Pearl Harbor and Pensacola both have good historical departments (Pensacola also has a fully restored N1K2-J George which I hope you will get to some day, pretty please;-). 

I was under the impression that the runway was crushed and tamped coral, but I could be wrong on that. I am going to do some digging and see what I can find for you.

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I was incorrect, the runways were asphalt. Here's a good reference page: https://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USN/Building_Bases/bases-22.html

An excerpt:

The development of Midway under the Pacific Naval Air Base contracts began on March 27, 1940. A dredge was towed in, and the contractors directed their efforts toward the enlargement of the existing basins and channels. A small-boat channel, 12,000 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 10 feet deep, was dredged between Sand and Eastern islands, and a mooring berth, protected by sheet-piling, was built on the latter. Approximately 3,000,000 cubic yards of material were removed in these dredging operations.

Three asphalt-paved runways were constructed on Eastern Island; each was 300 feet wide and 3250 feet, 4500 feet, and 5300 feet long, respectively. Two hangars were constructed, with parking areas and warm-up mats. Small industrial areas were erected, which included the various necessary shops and storage facilities.

A large seaplane hangar, a parking mat, and one concrete ramp were constructed, and an ordnance shop, radio shop, engine shop, and a storehouse and tool room were built around the seaplane hangar to facilitate major overhaul work.

Fighter, bomber, and patrol ready-rooms were constructed, and housing and messing facilities set up for operational personnel. Quonset huts were extensively used.

Approximately 2800 feet of sheet-piling bulkhead was installed on Sand Island. Dredged material was pumped behind this bulkhead, and upon this fill, a large seaplane parking-mat was constructed. Four, concrete, seaplane ramps were built, together with an additional emergency ramp and approach to the mat, and a large, steel, seaplane hangar was erected on the edge of the mat.

Construction was started on underground gasoline storage in twenty-two 2500-gallon steel tanks.

A naval hospital was built by the contractors, who utilized three of the four existing buildings owned by the commercial cable company. These buildings, located on Sand Island, were later augmented by a large underground structure of concrete.

Barracks for naval and Marine personnel were built, together with all necessary accessories such as mess halls, warehouses, administration buildings, commissaries, and cold-storage buildings. The power plant for Sand Island was housed in a bombproof structure of reinforced-concrete and steel.

I am also looking for good reference maps and photos, etc. I remember watching a good documentary on the work that PanAm did to prepare the island for the Clippers and all the work involved dredging the lagoon, but I don't know if that would be much help as anything as an interesting footnote. 

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