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  1. Happy 4th of July from somewhere in the hurricane zone!
  2. Knowing how Jason works, I doubt you will see any fictional maps. Maybe a smaller historical isolated island as multiplayer a playground.
  3. I've done a Guadalcanal campaign before, and I would love to do a new one. With that said, the map would have to extend from Guadalcanal all the way to Rabaul unless you want to have all the Japanese planes making air starts. I guess you could use some smaller airfields in the Solomons, or have them launch from carriers near Bougainville but it wouldn't really be accurate. If the entire Solomons Islands chain and New Britain were on the same map, it would be awesome because you could do a Jolly Rogers tour 1 and 2 and a VF-9 Navy Hellcat campaign on the same map. There is a huge amount of potential on a map like that.
  4. Hi Wheels, it’s nice of you to be the welcome wagon ambassador here!
  5. I actually drink more tequila than secret German herbal aperitifs, but who’s counting anyway? My brief history is that I have been playing flight simulators since they were invented and my first scripted campaign was “Cactus Diary” for IL2 Pacific Fighters way back when we were first figuring out how to make them. I have quite a few old campaigns still on Mission4Today, and I have been writing single player missions and scripted campaigns for IL2 Great Battles for quite a few years now. I have purchased and flown almost every commercially produced PC flight simulator ever published and for now, IL2 is the only one that keeps holding my interest because I can create historically accurate experiences and recreate past events so us “younger” folks can experience them in first person virtual reality. I guess it’s my way of helping the world remember the sacrifices and dedication of our forbears who had to fight to keep their way of life from being taken from them. Some succeeded and others did not. I would love nothing more than to experience again the adventures of The Cactus Air Force, The Jolly Rogers or just flying a Hellcat off a carrier with up to date graphics in VR. I guess I will be building a new computer before Jason gets this thing ready for release, haha. See y’all around the forum and I wish the best of luck and good fortune to the entire Entropy.Aero team… Buen suerte!
  6. Hello everyone! Nice to see a bunch of familiar names here already. Some of you probably already know I am sort of addicted to making single player missions for Classic era aircraft and I will probably keep doing that for a while longer. @Jason_Williams, I just saw a link to your Enigma interview and watched the video. Very exciting news and I am glad you found a great fit for your interests and skills. I look forward to seeing how this project matures and I can assure you all that you will be hearing more from me as this new adventure takes shape and becomes a reality. Subscribed!
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