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Everything posted by Ohka

  1. Ohka

    DD today?

    Looking forward to the first DD. Fridays haven't been the same!
  2. Ohka

    DD today?

    Can't wait! Hope the team enjoys a well-deserved weekend.
  3. Ohka

    DD today?

    No rush! Just glad this is in the works. Enjoy the holiday weekend.
  4. I would gladly take the IL-2 GB approach if it means a fuller roster. Foregoing click able cockpits is fine with me if it makes the difference between getting an iconic plane or not. It may also make a lot of difference in pricing and marketability. After all, I personally think the appeal of this game will be mastering dogfighting and the ability to plant a bomb on a maneuvering ship rather than knowing where the magneto switch is on each plane.
  5. I think it would be best to avoid a "WWII Assets Pack" model for AI units. I trust that Jason has a pretty good sense for how to make these things economical. I, for one, don't mind if we don't get a perfect roster of ships to bomb so long as we have good representatives for each ship class while getting the critical ships like Yorktown and Akagi individually modeled.
  6. Ohka

    DD today?

    I swear all other games would be completely redundant to me if I could fly all of those. Can't wait!
  7. Someone has to kick this off 😉
  8. Thrilled to see you back in action, Jason. Best of luck with the project!
  9. First off, congratulations on the announcement! I just wanted to take a second and thank the devs for taking on this project. The history of the air war in the PTO has always been a huge passion of mine and it has been disappointing to see sims ignore the theater for so long. I can't wait to see where this goes. Good luck!
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