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E-2 (2/30)

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  1. Must say, that until now, the best engine handling is in CoD. you can go further than the limits without destroying the engine, but you also can destroy the engine at low power if badly managed . i'm a certified Daimler Benz exploder in whatever condition. i know what i'm talking about
  2. i leave it to you to be the judge...
  3. The P-40 in IL2 Desert Wings - Tobruk, is too good... Now it's corrected
  4. Yep, and it died, with a serious decline the day he said bye-bye.
  5. Great to see some new progress. (yes, you were busy with the expo, so fully normal) But Jason, looking at the cockpit geometry, will nanite even be able to handle this crazy poly's number (combined with all the rest, scenery, objects, weather, water, etc..)? The detail, even without all the gimmic's in the cockpit, is tremendous, really curious an impatient to see the final result. PS: what the F* is this hamburger? by just looking at it, my cholesterol level is jumping like a raver on xtc
  6. to get back on track, Dev Blog2 is out. it still looks like BoX, and use the same kind of mission editor as BoX , but at least they have uneven airfields.
  7. you mean il2-CoD tried it...and new planes still have it, even new functions like radiators cut-out and bypass in the 109. It isn't really difficult is you create a generic system for fighter/bomber/biplane/whatevertype , not so closed-coded,that can be modified to suit each airplane. A clickable cockpit is just a visualisation of the functionality of a system, and in il2 box, systems are very basic or even non existent anyway what links to the DM (like Seaserpent said). in BoX, airplanes are empty shells just like in 46, all DM effects are coded, there is no "interaction" with the model, unlike in CoD where the pathway of a bullet is calculated on the 3d model and tables with input data. If you shoot a bullet at a spit in CoD, the bullet trajectory is first calculated through the ballistic table, then, when it goes through a hitbox , let's say engine cover, bullet's path is recalculated with with angle, kinetic energy and type of material it's made of, a new trajectory is applied, if enough energy is available, the next part is the engine camhead, the soft will calculate if the available bullet energy is enough to go through it, if yes you got oil leak or worse depending on the type of the bullet.... Now, check the wildcat "squelet" images and guess why they bothered to model every part of the plane, my educated guess is that we'll have all the main systems available for the "pilot" and for the DM, which will be even more detailed than in CoD.
  8. Not impressed at all from the technological pov, looks like a revaped up-tuned BoX engine, vehicules looks the same, planes looks the same and the worst: the terrain looks the same. More poly's in general but something's off. And damned, a 440km wide map, are we in mid 2000 still?
  9. But, the question would be....are we gonna get "maps" (old tech) in CP, or something much wider and bigger ? Just look what terrain plugins can be added to UE and you'll understand what i mean That's a part Jason isn't very talkative about, i just hope for a very nice surprise when CP comes out.
  10. Totally right, so Why was Jason so stressed on the stage? He spoke so fast and couldn't stay still. The young guy was much more relaxed Time restriction for the presentation? Otherwise, happy to see it going forward faster than expected actually, even if it's not my favorite Theatre of Operations. now, on the less positive side (sorry): the "water tiles" still too visible, this is a known issue with ue, that need to be tackled, especially for an area were water is the main "actor".
  11. to make it simple: no more flat-horizontal airfields like in most sims but airfields going with the terrain flow. ps: in the pacific, beach airfields were mostly flat, but when this sim will move to other areas, such airfields will be encountered, so it has to be set within the game-engine from the beginning, especially the AI need to be able to handle take-off's and landings on such airfields.
  12. Looks like there was some misunderstanding, it was supposed to be a small joke, so i added the smiley now, this way it will not be taken so seriously Ps: i'm a würger whinner, if i can put a würger somewhere, even where it doesn't belong, i do it.
  13. I knew! Since the first object renders, i knew it was UE, there is no way otherwise to render this amount of tri's without Nanite, then i was totally convinced by the amount of details of the Hangar. Good choice going with UE i'd say
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