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A 'simple' mission planning tool like this would be so useful with such great expanses of water

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This was just released for Cliffs of Dover:

IL-2 Cliffs of Dover Route Planner.

IL-2 Cliffs of Dover (Blitz) doesn't have an integrated map tool, so every flight a player wishes to take part in has to be:
Measured in distance.
The heading planned and calculated
The time to Waypoint/Target also have have to be manually calculated. 

Features of this new tool:
- Leg plotting - with true or magnetic heading, time and distance
- (Approximate) True Airspeed calculator
- Measurement units available metric and imperial

The tool is hosted on GitHub, so there is no need to download anything, just click on the link to access the tool and start using it!
This interactive Route Planner can now assist the player in planning routes for both the single and the multiplayer missions.

Created by IG-88/IG-66





So taking into account the amount of water there is, maybe an external map tool like this could be created, so players can plan missions/distance/time and speed to waypoints/targets?

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