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Thinking About a MOZA FFB?

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Each to their own in the choices they make but, in recent days, its become clear that MOZA are breaching the GPLv3 Licence of VP Force's Telem FFB software and essentially, incorporating large portions of it directly into their own software. Moreover its use is  flagrant with little effort to mask the source. Even the values and titles used are identical (though incorrectly translated into Chinese). 

Without start up innovatiors such as VP Force and MFG this genre would be a much poorer place and likely many of the things we now take for granted such as high end rudders and FFB would have remained undeveloped. Moreover, the Telem software is not locked down and has only a few simple licencing conditions attached to it, all of which benefit the community, yet MOZA has seemingly chosen to completly ignore this.  

Just something to consider before purchase. 


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I tried the Moza FFB out at the FSA Expo and was not impressed at all. When I asked others for their thoughts on it the consensus was pretty much the same. I did not noticed any force feedback no matter how hard I pulled on the stick and for the most part it just felt like it had a little bit of hydraulic damping rather than any real Force Feedback. Just my 2 cents worth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

VP Rhino No771 arrived at Chez Boo today. Obviously one thing the Moza has going for it its the aluminium case and "pro" looks ....................BUT.............despite its home brew origins, the Rhino, in the flesh, is a thing of functional beauty. Not a rough edge, beautifully detailed, zero cogging and every screw and bolt perfectly aligned oh....and it works right out of the box. Very impressed. 

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