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SimHQ has moved


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from SimHQ(dot)com to SimHQ(dot)net.



We have moved everything under simhq.com to simhq.net effective immediately. Everything will continue to operate as it has been but will be under the simhq.net domain name. While we have redirects in place for all content under the simhq.com domain to simhq.net including the forums, articles, posts, etc, the main redirect for the root of simhq.com to simhq.net will only be active for a few days, please update your bookmarks as appropriate.

The reason for the move is that the simhq.com domain (not the content) has been sold to a friend who will be using it for racing simulations.

While it looks like the move was done successfully, there may be some references to simhq.com that will need to be updated. If anything comes up please reply to this thread and we will look into it.

It was important that even though the domain was sold and the new owner was not interested in the content, that I keep the community and it's history alive, we appreicate your understanding and hope the move is as seamless as possible.

Thank you.

Your current username and password should allow you to enter the updated/altered site without any problems.



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